Case studies

Displaying 1 - 129 of 129

Watershed-scale impacts of stormwater green infrastructure on hydrology, nutrient fluxes, and combined sewer overflows in the mid-Atlantic region

Use of vegetation in urban areas in the Mid-Atlantic watersheds of Washington DC, Montgomery County and Baltimore County MD, has reduced flooding and nutrient runoff. The ‘stormwater green infrastructure’ in these municipalities includes green roofs, bioswales, rain gardens and stormwater ponds. By increasing infiltration and groundwater recharge, and/or evaporation, they reduce the volume of run-off that can contribute to floods.

Green City of the Future

The aim of the project “Green City of the Future” is to develop integrated solutions to meet the challenges of climate change and subsequent densification in Munich and to test how these can be implemented in urban planning.

Territorial Ordering Plan (POT) of Bogotá 2022-2035 "El reverdecer de Bogotá"

On September 2021, the mayor and the District Planning Secretary presented the proposal for the Territorial Ordering Plan (POT ) 2022-2035. This POT responds and involves the Sustainable Development Goals in land use planning. Based on these areas, the plan incorporates on four pillars, including sustainable mobility, greening, a care system for women and sustainable economic economy.

Nature-based solutions for cities transitioning towards sustainability: A participatory evaluation through a social and environmental lens

Global urbanization trends have made people move to cities where they tend to have less access to nature. Urban nature is important for human well-being and biodiversity, therefore urban planners are increasingly integrating Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects in urban environments. 

This research investigated how to support citizen engagement for NbS while evaluating the urban environment, focusing on young people as they are often excluded from decision-making and planning processes. 

The research design included a literature review and interviews with city planners, to...

Floating Wetland System on Utö


The Nature-Based Solutions in the Nordic region programme has chosen to finance a pilot project in Sweden to implement and test a floating system for wetlands to remove excess phosphorus from seawater.

Blue Reef Project: Rebuilding of Marine Cavernous Boulder Reefs in Kattegat

Restore the stone reef on Læsø Trindel (part of the Læsø Trindel and Tønnesberg Banke Natura 2000 site). Restore and stabilise the structure and function of cavernous boulder reefs; boost awareness among managers, planners and the general public about marine nature restoration, protection and management.

The Mushrooms of Borgotaro IGP

Mushroom in Borgotaro

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Develop a new online platform or smart phone application to improve the commercialization of the permits and the pickers’ experience.
  • Expand the type of users and demands: to reach younger customers; to orient pickers to areas specific to their permit category; and to improve visitor security.

Club GREY HORSE – Providing multiple ecosystems services by forest renters

Club Grey Horse

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Develop mechanisms for multi-purpose forest management, introducing the concept of ecosystem services (ES) and multi-purpose forest use into the current forest renting system which currently only provides leases for a single ES.
  • Change management priorities from wood harvesting to multi-purpose forest management.
  • Increase the economic efficiency of forest use while maintaining a balance between all ES by introducing a
  • ...

Reverse auction for biodiversity protection measures

Danish forest

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to: 

  • Inspire changes to existing public grant schemes for biodiversity protection on privately owned land by demonstrating in practice how a competitive bidding process can improve the coordination of nature conservation efforts, cost-effectiveness, and ownership among landowners.
  • Implement a reverse auction where forest owners respond to a fairly open call by offering biodiversity conservation measures that they decide themselves. In the
  • ...

ECOPAY Connect – Forest-habitat biodiversity payment scheme

 Oglio Sud Regional Park

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Set up a partnership between the regional park and local poplar plantations to increase the sustainable management of the plantations while increasing funding for restoration of crucial areas within the regional park.
  • Bring together farmers into a certification group, facilitating certification and reducing costs, while benefitting the natural environment of the regional park.
  • The innovative mechanism (IM) consists of a
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Creating a legal framework for forest management for ecosystem services in Bizkaia county

Forest in Bizkaia county

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Create a new legal framework for forest and forestry that incorporates the concept of ecosystem services (ES) into regional forest legislation, to improve the provision, valuation and monitoring of ES and to provide the resources to pay for ES provision.
  • Focus on two Forest ES: water quality and quantity, and landscape as social and recreational service. Also research to establish correlation between
  • ...

Spiritual forests and forest kindergartens

Forest in Switzerland

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Explore how managing forests for use as spiritual forests could benefit both the forest and the forest owner.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of cultural ecosystem services (CES) and motivate forest owners and managers to supply these services and to manage forests appropriately.
  • The innovative mechanism (IM) is market-based, and its idea, concept and implementation come from the forest owner.

Forests for water in Catalonia

Rialb water reservoir

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Include forests and forestry in a joint strategic planning tool with participatory design of a local forest fund.
  • The innovative mechanism (IM) consists of a payment for ecosystem services (PES) scheme focused on forests and water, strengthening governance for joint forest-water planning and on finding new resources to support forest owners to provide water-related services.

Landscape and Recreation Value Trade

Kuusamo, Finland

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Introduce a payment for ecosystem services (PES) system in which forest owners are compensated for voluntarily enhancing the provision of landscape and recreational values in their forests.
  • The innovative mechanism (IM) consists of a planning process to select valuable forest areas in terms of biodiversity, landscape and carbon stock and a pilot project to collect and distribute funds to implement forest
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Understanding the health functions of peri-urban forests in protected areas and Payment for Ecosystem Services

Activities in Nature Park Medvednica

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Develop several scenarios for payments of forest ecosystem services (FES) - health benefits - and empower future management of the park.
  • Raise funds, monitor all sport events, and ensure that these are held sustainably. The innovative mechanism (IM) consists of one-time concession permits implemented in the Medvednica Nature Park.
  • Raise money for new content and infrastructure to support human health and wellbeing via a second IM consisting of
  • ...

Reverse auction pilot for forest ecosystem services in rural and peri-urban areas (habitat restoration)

Forest in Flanders

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Test reverse auctions as a way to fund and stimulate the generation of much-needed forest ecosystem services (FES) - habitat restoration in forested hunted areas - and as alternative to subsidy schemes in a densely populated and urbanised region.
  • Test if approach leads to more cost-efficient use of limited financial resources and supports initiatives considered important to relevant stakeholders and society as a whole.
  • Implement
  • ...

Reverse auction pilot for forest ecosystem services in rural and peri-urban areas (wildlife population control)


This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Test reverse auctions as a way to fund and stimulate the generation of much-needed forest ecosystem services (FES) - wildlife population control, habitat restoration in forested hunted areas - and as alternative to subsidy schemes in a populous and urbanised area.
  • Test if approach leads to more cost-efficient use of limited financial resources and supports initiatives considered important to relevant stakeholders and society as a whole.
  • ...

Paying for watershed services to cities in Peru

Peruvian lanscape

This case study from the SINCERE project had the goal to:

  • Involve multiple stakeholders in decision-making and share intervention costs and benefits in a fair manner.
  • Provide an opportunity to improve relationships between upstream communities and a downstream water company.
  • The innovative mechanism (IM) consists in a payment for ecosystem services (PES) scheme which obliges water users in Cusco to pay an extra fee on the water bill to improve hydrological services.

Eső- és szürkevíz hasznosítás a Zuglói Hétszínvirág Óvodában

Víztartály az udvaron


Projekt név: Városi Vízkör /CityWaterCircles/ - Városi Együttműködési Modellek a vízfelhasználás és -újrahasznosítás hatékonyságának növelésére a körkörös gazdaság elvei alapján

Az éghajlati válság következtében súlyos probléma a csapadékmennyiség egyenetlen eloszlása: aszályok és villámárvizek sújtják a településeket. Cél hatékonyabban, gazdaságosabban használnunk a vízkészleteinket: ezt szolgálja a Zuglóban megvalósuló esővíz- és szürkevíz hasznosítási mintaberuházás.

The First Large Land-Restoration Initiative in the Faroe Islands

As part of Tjóðsavnið (the Faroe Islands National Museum), Lendisbati initiative aims to prevent erosion, protect biodiversity and restore wetlands for carbon storage. The first Lendisbati restoration project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers programme and will lay the foundation for future restoration initiatives in the Faroe Islands.

Biodiversity in Urban and Coastal Areas in Iceland

Hjörtur Þorbjörnsson in the field with caraway growing in the foreground

The Nature-based solutions in the Nordic region programme has allocated 650,000 DKK to a pilot project in Iceland that aims to increase biodiversity in Reykjavík.
Grasagarður Reykjavíkur is the name of the outdoor collection of living plants located in the capital of Iceland. The park conserves some 3000 plant species in eight plant collections. The collections give an idea of the enormous diversity of vegetation in the northern temperate zone.

Among the staff are Hjörtur Þorbjörnsson and...

Multifunctional Land Distribution in Denmark


The pilot project's goals are, among other things, to develop a strategic comprehensive plan for Holmehave in Assens municipality in Denmark and use multifunctional land distribution for the establishment of afforestation, nature and wetlands. The Nordic Council of Ministers Nature-based Solutions programme has allocated DKK 890,000 for the project.

Assens municipality, VandCenter Syd and Hedeselskabet in Denmark have begun to create a comprehensive plan for the Holmehaven area in Assens municipality. In the project, the aim is to take out approx. 300 hectares for...

Stream and Watershed Restoration in Finland

The state of biodiversity has been decreased worldwide, and the Finnish Wildlife Service organization Metsähallitus will contribute to solving the challenge. With support from the Nordic Council of Ministers, they will restore the entire watershed area around the Mätäsoja Stream in Finland.

“The establishment of protected areas alone is not enough, and in order to halt the loss of biodiversity, we need to be more ambitious in restoring nature,” says Antti Karppinen, leader of the Mätäsoja Stream and Watershed restoration project in Finland. It is Metsähallitus...

More Nature - Less Waste

One of the eight pilot projects that have received funding from Nordic Council of Ministers programme on nature-based solutions is the Danish project “More Nature - Less Waste” lead by Renosyd. They have set out to build 21 fences in Denmark in collaboration with local schools in two municipalities.

A brush fence is a fence where you knock poles into the ground in two rows and in between fill up with branches from the garden. It creates living conditions for insects and small animals, and it reduces the amount of garden waste that would otherwise have to be transported and processed...

Multifunctional Wetlands in Åland

The Nordic Council of Ministers programme, Nature-based Solutions in the Nordic Region, is financing a project in Åland to improve four multifunctional wetlands for better water quality, sustainable food production, climate adaptation and increased biodiversity.
For several years, the drinking water from the Åland lakes and streams was assessed as insufficient and water samples showed a declining quality. This led the water supply company Ålands Vatten in 2015 to initiate research and an urgent new management plan to ensure a sustainable water supply. One study showed that...

Erosion Protection with Nature-based Solutions in Norway

The Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy will prevent erosion by strengthening slopes and edges with nature-based solutions (NbS). The aim is to improve local environmental conditions and increase water quality and biodiversity in streams and rivers.

In many creeks and streams, both large and small, erosion is a major problem. The problem arises as a result of various types of interventions in nature and is typically solved with stone and concrete - so-called grey solutions. But the grey solutions often have negative consequences on the local environmental conditions, water quality...

Crop Wild Relatives

A Crop Wild Relative (CWR) is a wild species that is closely related to a cultivated crop. It can for example include wild relatives of food crops such as of cereals, vegetables and fruits, or relatives of fodder and forage crops. NordGen has been working with CWRs in two different projects. A possible continuation of the works is currently being investigated. At this project site you can read more about CWRs, why they’re important and how NordGen is addressing the issue.

CWRs are one of the tools that can be used to address future challenges on food security, adaptation to climate...

Ruzsa: Alkalmazkodás az éghajlatváltozáshoz szürkevíz visszatartással a Homokhátságon


A kevés csapadék és a magas nyári középhőmérséklet miatt Ruzsát gyakran sújtja aszály, melynek gyakorisága és mértéke egyre nő. Tulajdonképpen egy félsivatagos területen fekszik, ahol a talajvízszint folyamatosan süllyed, a belvízelvezető csatornák az év nagy részében szárazak. A cél az éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás “eldobott”/”használt” szürkevíz-visszatartással.

BeePathNet – Városi méhészet Méhbarát kerület program Budapest XII. kerületében


A BeePathNet projekt keretében a XII. kerületi Önkormányzat által megvalósított Méhbarát Kerület program a biológiai sokféleség fenntartására törekszik. 

A beporzó rovarok faj- és egyedszáma csökken, erre a globális kihívásra lokális, városi szinten, egy kerületben is lehet és kell válaszolni. 

A Méhbarát Kerület program célja, hogy választ adjon a beporzó rovarokat érintő problémákra azáltal, hogy megfelelő élőhelyeket teremt e hasznos élőlények számára, intézkedéseivel segíti a biológiai sokféleség fenntartását, kampányaival, oktatási programjaival...

SABICAS - Gausa catchment case study

SABICAS (SAfeguard BIodiversity and improve Climate Adaptation in catchment areas under pressure: tools and Solutions) aims to provide tools and knowledge needed to quantify the benefits and co-benefits of nature-based solutions. The goal is to facilitate dialogue and decision making among stakeholders and managers. SABICAS will engage with all key catchment stakeholders through several activities, including workshops and living labs.

SABICAS - Haldenvassdraget

SABICAS (SAfeguard BIodiversity and improve Climate Adaptation in catchment areas under pressure: tools and Solutions) aims to provide tools and knowledge needed to quantify the benefits and co-benefits of nature-based solutions. The goal is to facilitate dialogue and decision making among stakeholders and managers. SABICAS will engage with all key catchment stakeholders through several activities, including workshops and living labs.

Kvorning re-wetting

Kvorning area in Denmark

Climate gas emission will be reduced and carbon sequestration will be stimulated by rewetting this area along the Nørreåen stream in Denmark. This restoration will preserve valuable Natura2000 habitats and endangered plant species, while at the same time making land consolidation efforts to support landowners.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN.

Articulación de los espacios verdes públicos del parque Metropolitano Albarregas.

Porción del Parque Metropolitano

Rehabilitar e integrar las áreas del bosque urbano del parque metropolitano Albarregas para la creación de espacios públicos verdes adecuados para la recreación, que sean funcionales y estén interconectados con la ciudad para dar cumplimiento a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), y de esta forma dar valor al capital natural de la ciudad mejorando la sostenibilidad y resiliencia al cambio climático.

Red de micro espacios publicos

Red de micro espacios.

Presentación de la red de micro espacios en el área metropolitana de Mérida, con el propósito de fomentar la rápida recuperación de espacios infrautilizados y generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad.

Removing dams in the Deba River, Spain

Dam removal in the Deba River

The hydro-geomorphology of the Deba River basin in the Basque country will be restored, mainly through dam demolition, restoring river morphology, connectivity and faunal permeability. Stakeholder interaction is being promoted, connecting local communities, institutions and governments. A main objective is to promote environmental education and the conceptualisation of nature-based solutions oriented restoration policies.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a...

Beaver re-introduction in Sweden

Beaver dam in Sweden

A truly nature-based solution is implemented by allowing beavers to spread into desired areas, letting them restore degraded wetlands and small streams and ditches as well as forest landscapes.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation

The Nabben Multifunctional Wetland in Åland

A newly built multi-functional urban wetland in the Nabben area, Åland, recently won the Nordic Council Environmental Prize 2022 focused on nature-based solutions. The wetland, which was finished in 2019 and lies adjacent to the coast, aims to increase the biodiversity in the area and contribute to the improvement of the water quality of the Baltic Sea by reducing nutrient runoff. Furthermore, it is used as an area for recreation, social cohesion and education for the city residents. 

There are several components to the Nabben wetland ecosystem. The first separates the microplastics...

Votlendissjóður - The Icelandic Wetland Fund

Votlendissjóður was established in 2018 with the goal to restore and reclaim wetlands in Iceland through cooperation with landowners, municipalities, the Icelandic state, companies, NGO’s and farmers. The fund provides finances, and in some instances  equipment and personnel, to parties interested in restoring wetlands not used for cultivation or forestry. Alternatively, the Votlendissjóður themselves can foster wetlands and carry out restorations through approved methods and professionals. Volunteers monitor the effects of the wetland on birds, plants and other wildlife in the area. ...

Room for the Rhine branches

flooded Rhine branches in the Netherlands

The aim of this case study is the creation of ecological flood retention by changing land use, reconnecting floodplains and change of sluice management in summer dikes. Floodplains are reconnected and side channels restored or their creation supported, with longitudinal main channel dams benefitting both shipping and nature.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation.

Kampinos National Park

Kampinos National Park (c M.Szajowski & A.Andrzejewska)

The wetlands in Kampinos National Park, Poland, are restored in order to slow water runoff and protect Natura2000 habitats as well as species.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation.

Climate change adaption and the river Seest Mølleå

The center of the city Kolding is frequently under threat from flooding due to heavy or prolonged precipitation events. Located at the bottom of a river valley, the municipality has initiated many climate-proofing projects to mitigate flood risks. One such project, initiated by Kolding municipality and the utility company Bluekolding, concerns the river Seest Mølleå. The nature-based climate adaptation project cost a total of 3,5 mio. DKK, and was inaugurated in November 2021 after 5 months of construction. 

When heavy prescriptions occur in the large catchment area outside the city...

Peatlands of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Neretva-Trebisnjica and Hutovo Blato

Peatland sites within carstic catchments in Bosnia and Herzigovina are to be restored through channel restoration and rewetting, thereby protecting these hotspots for (endemic) biodiversity. The case study aims at achieving an amicable transition from the current heavy hydropower usage and peatland extraction to more near-natural, healthy ecosystems. 

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation

Restoring Danube floodplains in Austria

Danube estuary Tiergartenarm (Austria) (photo viadonau)

Riverbank restorations are implemented on a stretch of approximately 800m shoreline of the Danube to increase lateral river-floodplain connectivity and the functioning of the floodplain as an ecosystem. The aim is to reach a good ecological status of the river as well as good navigation status. The case study works with an adaptive management process and adresses multiple pressures (ecological deficits, security of navigation, riverbed deepening, flood protection).

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration...

Restoring Danube floodplains in Romania

Garla Mare Romania

Former wetlands adjacent to the river are being reconnected to demonstrate the benefits of re-wetting /reconnection to the natural flood pulse of the Danube River in order to enhance the benefits provided to nature and local communities.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation.

Cemetery Conversion

Cemetery Conversion

Exploring how to successfully integrate a community garden into a cemetery, thereby regenerating underused green space in a city and introducing multifunctional uses.

Edible Landscaping

 Edible Landscaping

Explore how to best maintain existing areas of edible urban greenery - and integrate new ones - into the area, as well as how these green spaces can be used to connect the existing neighbours with the new ones by providing spaces for community gardening, togetherness and knowledge exchange.

Linderud Community Garden

 Linderud Community Garden

Developing the communal area as a social meeting place for the local neighborhood, strengthening the community feeling and building a sense of ownership of the area. By providing growing space to different local entrepreneurs, the garden supports the local green economy and helps building a network of initiatives with different social impact.

Nature-based solutions in Wroclaw: Renovated courtyards and green streets

  • To demonstrate the potential for nature-based solutions to reduce heat stress and flooding and provide other co-benefits
  • To engage citizens in designing nature-based solutions that meet their needs.
  • To develop an effective strategy for nature-based solutions to contribute to climate change adaptation across the city.

Monitoring the success of Liberty Island, Hungary

Liberty Island in the Danube River, Hungary

The creation of a long-term, sustainable conservation model for white willow (Salicion albae) alluvial forests in Hungary and a more near-natural flow regime of the Danube. A core aim was to eliminate or mitigate the factors that threaten the habitats of community interest. 

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation. Within MERLIN, the project area of the Liberty Island restoration is revisited to learn from...

Emscher: NbS for dykes along Europe's most expensive river

flowering Emscher dykes (photo: Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband)

For almost 30 years, until 2022, the Emscher river, flowing through Germany's larges metropolitan region, the Ruhrgebiet, has been restored from a heavily sewage loaded system to a vital river. As the river is located in a densely populated area, dykes and other flood protection structure are necessary at least in some part. This case study aims at transitioning the land use on these dykes and near river areas towards extensive meadows. It is a step towards creating synergies between river maintenance and nature protection.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU...

Floodplain restoration in the Lima catchment, Portugal

Invasive species control in the Lima floodplains (photo: Patricia M. Rogríguez-Gonzáles)

After around 21ha of floodplain area were passively and actively restored under the LIFE FLUVIAL project, an enlarging of the intervention area is now being implemented. The floodplain forest restoration intends to develop/demonstrate an ecological restoration approach for fluvial floodplains transferable to lowlands at the biogeographic region (NW of Iberian Peninsula). The case study also aims at taking local stakeholders on board and reconcile the protection of priority habitats with traditional cattle production. The case study will also integrate an educational dimension and aims at...

Greening the Sorraia valley floodplain

Sorraia floodplain to be restored (photo: Cláudia Brandao)

Implement the best configurations for greening elements (type, location, spatial configuration),  in the Sorraia floodplain valley, that maximize biodiversity (woody structure, ants, birds and chiropterans) and ecosystem services (biological control, nutrient and sediment removal, pollination, habitat for species) without detriment of economic incomes for farmers.  During the planning stage, a model for optimization will be developed, and different scenarios of agriculture development and global changes tested, together with stakeholders and administration.  

This case study is one...

Komppasuo peat extraction area: healing and new usage strategies

Komppasuo peat extraction site (photo: Jani Antila, Tapio Oy)

After peat extraction in the Komppasuo bog, Finnland, was initiated in 1987, it was stopped in 2021 and restoration projects are aiming at bringing the landscape back to a functioning and sustainable ecosystem. The objective is to establish wetland conservation areas from previously drained peatlands, to set up constructed wetlands for water purification, increasing water quality, increasing the amount of suitable habitats for migratory fish and the endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) as well as increasing the areas suitable for recreation.

This case...

Upscaling the Tzipori river restorations in Israel

Tzipori river, Israel

After a decade of restoration measures along the Tzipori stream in Israel, this case study will monitor their success and aims at upscaling measures to the watershed scale in order to create a model for management of stream basin rehabilitation.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation.

Restoring the Zwalm catchment in Belgium

Zwalm river in Belgium (photo: Marie Anne Forio, Ghent University)

After degradation of the river due to straightening, bank enforcements, navigational use and intensive agricultural land use along its banks, the Zwalm river basin is now to be restored at several sites. The case study aims at restoring the river to a healthy and functioning ecosystem while still allowing navigational use. A focus is on habitat restoration (spawning beds, buffer strips) and passability for fish.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape...

Firth of Forth: restoring a stream and its floodplain

Introducing woody debris into the Forth river

This case study aims at a comprehensive restoration of a river and its adajcents land, including developing sustainable businesses, tourism and transport whilst not increasing carbon emissions or negatively impacting on biodiversity of the area.  River connectivity and water quality are to be improved for migratory fish (eel and Atlantic salmon) and to reduce flood risk in downstream urban areas  Additionally, upland raised bog habitats (peatlands) shall be restored.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological...

UNaLab - Arctic Green wall, Viinikanlahti, Tampere, Finland

UNaLab Arctic Green wall in winter

The main purpose of the arctic green wall is to manage water flows (storage) and water quality, with particular focus on understanding its performance during cold seasons. Arctic green wall will also produce new knowledge related to suitable plant species for sub-arctic climate with variable freeze-thaw cycle and snow load.

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Høje Taastrup, Copenhagen

Høje-Taastrup Municipality is a follower city in the URBiNAT project. The municipality is  sharing its urban regeneration experiences with other cities as well as learning best practices that will reinforce the implementation of the ongoing plans. Within URBiNAT Høje-Taastrup wish to explore the likely facilities to be developed and sustained on the ground where a new Community House is to be built, a passage between the Gregersens Quarter and the station and the linkages to a park which will be developed in the coming years during the refurbishments of the area (see photo). The...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Campaña, Porto

URBiNAT intervention areas. In Porto city, Campanhã parish was identified as one of the priority areas for urban regeneration aiming at a more sustainable improvement of local living conditions. This area faces severe socio-economic challenges territorial aggravated by isolation, due to lack of accessibility, safety, feeling of security and poor overall conditions of the urban space.

The outline of a study area was developed by the Local Taskforce of Porto, according to the previously established commitment by the municipality of Porto to develop the project URBiNAT in this area. The first criteria were to ensure the inclusion of Cerco, Falcão, Lagarteiro, and other social housing neighbourhoods nearby.

Given the intention of implementing new healthy corridors, the study area includes the most relevant strategic green spaces (Oriental Park, Corujeira Plaza, Quinta da Bonjóia, municipal nursery), services (schools, industry, health centres, local associations)...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Nadezhda, Sofia

URBiNAT Intervention Area. Nadezhda district – the Northern gateway to the capital city, has a population of 67 905, which is 5.3% of the city’s population. There are about 2113 ha urban and rural areas within the boundaries of Nadezhda district. The housing estates in Nadezhda fall within the priority areas for urban regeneration aiming at improved living conditions and better connections to the city center and the neighbouring territories, and improved condition, connectedness and accessibility of the...

The urban project of the Sofia Healthy Corridor focuses on building green connections, understandings, co-implementation and use of public spaces. The involvement of citizens in the creation of living public spaces is expected to contribute to overcoming urban fragmentation by removing physical and symbolic barriers to their use, protection of the environment and maintenance of inter-block spaces.

The Healthy Corridor in Sofia is a “green connection” designed as a pedestrian path in the public urban space, that connects the neighborhoods between themselves and the surrounding urban...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Nantes Nord, Nantes

URBiNAT intervention area. Nantes Nord perimeter is the study area. This corresponds both to the diagnostic and evaluation scale. The intervention area focuses on a reduced area in the North of Nantes Nord, where are the priority districts (QPV), the social housing districts with concentration of difficulties. Located in the north-western part of the city, the “Nantes Nord” district is one of the 11 districts of Nantes municipality. It is itself subdivided in 9 micro-districts.

The municipality saw an opportunity in URBiNAT as a preliminary to the Global Project. The two projects indeed share the same general objectives of improving the health and the well-being of the inhabitants. URBiNAT also meets the municipality concerns of the co-creation process: the so-called Citizen Dialogue, that the municipality has enforced as a way of doing since 2014. The integration in URBiNAT also allows going further in the co-creation process already existing in Nantes, with especially the co-evaluation phase. The municipality has therefore chosen to integrate Nantes Nord as a...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Siena

View of ancient city of Siena from Ravacciano

The main objective of URBiNAT in the Municipality of Siena is to identify a Healthy Corridor for the Ravacciano neighbourhood, as a way to develop the neighbourhood as well, and to make the green spaces present more viable and accessible. 

The local diagnostic has allowed the identification of the population's greatest needs, both in terms of mobility and connection with the city's historic centre, and of access to green areas, considered as places of sociality and wellbeing.

To this aim, within the actions foreseen by URBiNAT, the Municipality of Siena has planned to develop...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Neder-Over-Heembeek, Brussels

Brussels is one of the four follower cities of the URBiNAT project, and was chosen for its green character, its history of involvement in European and international agreements and cooperation, and its current practice of citizen participation in political and territorial processes. The URBiNAT project, implemented in Brussels through a Living Lab in the neighbourhood of Neder-Over-Heembeek, is meant to reconnect the social housing neighbourhoods amongst themselves, with the broader neighbourhood, and with the rest of the city. This in order to reduce socio-spatial fractures linked to its...

UNaLab - Alluvial meadows, Vuores, Tampere, Finland

UNaLab Alluvial meadows

Space for retention of the urban runoff in the times of heavy rain to complement the measures for enhanced stormwater quality and quantity management in the Vuores area. Vegetation is selected from the local species to support biodiversity, including perennials suitable for wet conditions. Additionally, the area is equipped with the information sign introducing the NBS and its functions.

UNaLab - Retention pond, Vuores, Tampere, Finland

UNaLab Retention pond

Treatment (retention and sedimentation) of urban runoff from new housing around Tervaslampi park to complement the measures for enhanced stormwater quality and quantity management in the Vuores area.  Vegetation is selected from the local species to support biodiversity. Additionally, the area is equipped with the information sign introducing the NBS and its functions.

UNaLab - Urban gardens, Vuores, Tampere, Finland

UNaLab Urban garden

Three small-scale NBS projects were awarded innovation vouchers in summer 2019 by the City of Tampere. Two of the vouchers were used to develop garden areas near residential housing. Through this initiative, the city encouraged citizens to take the initiative to plan and implement the NBS that they find useful for their environment.

UNaLab - Biofilter, Vuores, Tampere, Finland

UNaLab Biofilter Vuores

A biofilter was implemented in Vuores to treat urban runoff and runoff from a nearby dog park. The biofilter uses sand as filtering media and the vegetation planted on top of the filter includes plants that tolerate changing moisture conditions. The biofilter is equipped with the information sign explaining the nature-based solution and its functions.

UNaLab - Vestdijk, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

UNaLab Vestdijk

Vestdijk has been transformed from a busy grey street mostly used by cars into an urban boulevard - creating more space for pedestrians and cyclists, targeting urban heat and air quality. The street now features more green areas such as street trees, rain gardens, and green strips with perennials and mixed grasses.

UNaLab - City Hall area, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

UNaLab City Hall

Eindhoven is facing rapid population growth. Critical issues for the city, which are exacerbated by climate change, include flooding, urban heat stress, air pollution, and lower quality of life. The rapid urbanisation in recent years has also led to the disappearance of significant blue zones, which has had detrimental consequences to the urban environment and quality of life. The renewed City Hall area features a green roof and a green terrace.

UNaLab - Nutsbedrijven Regio Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

UNaLab Nutsbedrijven Regio Eindhoven

The community at Nutsbedrijven Regio Eindhoven aimed at rehabilitating the old industrial area to a livable urban space. This initiative served as a participatory planning and governance, and social capacity building action as citizens were driving the development of the area and NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Clausplein, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

UNaLab  Clausplein

The previously stone-covered Clausplein square is located in a dense urban area in the city centre of Eindhoven and is greatly affected by extreme weather events. After reconstruction, the square has become a small urban park with an underground water retention basin. 

UNaLab - Urban street greening, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

UNaLan Urban greening

Several streets around the Eindhoven city centre (Waagstraat, Bilderdijklaan, Willemstraat, H. Boexstraat and Dommelstraat) have been rehabilitated and nature-based solutions such as bioswales and street trees have been introduced to address existing problems with heat stress and flooding, and to enhance biodiversity and attractiveness for pedestrians and cyclists.

UNaLab - Green wall, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Green wall

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Bioswale, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Bioswale

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Infiltration basin, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Infiltration basin

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Rain garden, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Rain garden

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Slope afforestation, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Slope afforestation

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Tree groups and green areas, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Green areas

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

UNaLab - Drought-resilient orchard, Genoa, Italy

UNaLab Drought-resilient orchard

The city of Genoa experiences acute densification and lack of public green spaces, making urban heat stress a pronounced challenge. Air pollution and biodiversity loss are among the other challenges Genova targeted to address through NBS implementation.

To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management: ATENAS

ATENAS project logo

AteNas is built around  3 demonstration sites, covering urban and periurban zones of Łódź, Lyon and Vantaa/Helsinki and sharing the challenge of enabling water to citizens and nature, both in terms of quality and quantity.

Utilize of cities water resources to secure regulating ecosystem services, enable Nature-Based Solutions, and enhance adaptive capacity to global changes.

NATURE-IN “New Sustainable Nature-Inclusive Architectural Devices for the Transformation of our Interior Dwelling Space: through Selected Case Studies”

Website Nature-In Research Project

 As the PI of NATURE-IN, I am developing an innovative independent research project “New Sustainable Nature-Inclusive Architectural Devices for the Transformation of our Interior Dwelling Space: through Selected Case Studies”, supported by the European Commission within the programme H2020 Excellent Science- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.  This is an interdisciplinary research project that unfolds and analyses the underlying forms of knowledge behind exemplary buildings which...

Triple infiltration basin and greenery regeneration in the square of Oblęgorska / Widok Street in Łódź (Poland)

The final look of the ATENAS square. 

An implementation focused on combining blue and green infrastructure, with predominant use of native species and minimizing maintenance effort.

Key aims:

  • demonstrate the integration of blue solutions into green design;
  • create a pilot implementation of the infiltration basin as an example of best practice and a source of know-how;
  • build the trust in NBS;
  • initiate the restoration of water cycle in the Łódka River catchment.

    Skurdalsåa flood retention

    The existing old dam at Lake Svintjønna. The measures will increase the dam height by ca. 0.5 m and establish a new gate and threshold, with automatic monitoring of the lake level.

    The Skurdalsåa River is one of many steep tributary rivers to the main river Gudbrandsdalslågen. The river has its outlet from an old dam (1870) in Lake Svintjønna. Due to the relatively small catchment, Skurdalsåa responds rapidly to precipitation and snow melt. Roads, houses, a school, a kindergarten, and a sports facility are situated adjacent to the lower part of the river. The infrastructure has experienced repeated flood damage in recent years.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS an old dam has been modified in order to reduce the peak flood.

    Buffer strips along canals in the area of Lake Massaciuccoli

    The main problem to solve with the implemented NBS measures is the runoff of soil and pollutants from the farmland to irrigation canals and from there to the nearby Lake Massaciuccoli on the Tuscan coast.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS buffer strips have been implemented to prevent runoff of pollutants from farmlands. The strips will also prevent runoff of sediments, which also serve as a flood mitigation measure.

    Retention/sedimentation basin

    The sedimentation basin after completion (Photo: ADBS)

    The main problem to solve with the implemented NBS measures is the runoff of soil and pollutants from the farmland to irrigation canals and from there to the nearby Lake Massaciuccoli on the Tuscan coast.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS sedimentation basin  have been implemented to prevent runoff of soil and pollutants from farmlands. 

    Improve hydraulic capacity of canal system

    The Fosetto (left) and Fossacio (right) canals before (upper) and after (lower) modification. (Photos: ADBS)

    The main problem to solve with the implemented NBS measures is the runoff of soil and pollutants from the farmland to irrigation canals and from there to the nearby Lake Massaciuccoli on the Tuscan coast.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS two canals (canals Fossetto and Fossaccio) have been modified to improve the hydraulic capacity

    Artouste, France: Rock fall

    Examples of implemented protective structures

    The main problem to solve with the implemented NBS measures is to reduce rockfall on the road.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS wooden structures designed to prevent the release of rocks and to stop released rocks before they reach too high a velocity have been implemented. 


    Liverpool, as with many major urban areas in the UK and globally, is facing significant challenges in managing its urban form to pursue economic growth agendas, whilst also providing an attractive city for its residents and visitors. Unfortunately, the social, ecological, and economic dimensions of these political mandates are frequently at odds, creating conflicting visions for how urban areas should be being developed and managed. With further densification of urban form, the re-development or conversion of green space into urban land, and a continuing growth spatially of urban...


    The urban dominant model in Spain, which is characterized by the diversification of activities and population increase, has aggravated the urban risks and environmental problems that already existed, such as the high consumption of soil, energy, water, and air pollution. It is also important to highlight the significant difficulties caused by the increase in distances, and the permanent requirement of the use of the car. The strategic line of Valladolid is situated within the frame of the urban city model. Its objectives are to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial culture, and to...

    Capet Forest, Baréges, France: snow avalanches

    A) 'Grey' structures in the slope above the access road from the helicopter platform to the construction site for the shelter. B) One of the tripods for protection of new plants. C) Tripods protecting plants in a more barren part of the avalanche release area. Natural forest and old grey structures can be seen in the foreground. D) Example of plant collection where most plants have died, but still enough for the purpose seem to survive

    The hazard at the Capet Forest site is from snow avalanches along the 'Midaou' avalanche path. 

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS afforestation by planted trees of 9 different species have been implemented. The trees will eventually grow high enough and develop a stem thickness to act as effective protection against avalanche release in ca. 20-30 years. 

    Santa Elena, Spain: Erosion/Landslides

    A) The till slope at St. Elena in June 2019. Loose blocks often hit the road, and small landslides often occur during heavy rain, exposing more blocks to threaten the road. B) The St. Elena slope on 11. October 2022. The road has been temporarily moved. The 7th of the ten planned terraces are being built. C) Close-up of the wooden terraces. D) Construction of the wooden gabions supporting the terraces. Notice the use of coconut mats on the outer parts of the gabions.

    Landslides and rockfall from a steep, ca. 35 m high slope consisting of loose glacial till, threaten an important road between France and Spain, the A-136 (RD-934 in Freance).

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS the slope has been reshaped through terracing techniques, with the establishment of vegetation to stabilize the sediments.

    Erill-la-Val, Spain: Debris flow from till deposits

    Left: The terraces constructed as part of PHUSICOS. These are constructed both of timber and of large local stones. Right: Close-up of one of the terraces, with grass taken directly from one of the local pastures. All terraces will be planted with grass and other local bushes and trees.

    The village of Erill-la-Vall in the Spanish Pyrenees is heavily affected by erosion and debris flow problems.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS a combination of revegetation to limit erosion and of terraces constructed by dry stone walls and timber to minimize energy in the creeks and to avoid further lowering of the erosional level, all to reduce the feeding of sediments to the main debris flow channel, and thereby reduce the hazard posed to the village have been implemented.

    Øyer, Flood control

    Drone photos of the Trodalen site after completion of the interventions, but before planting is fully completed

    Flooding problems  during heavy precipitation in the Trobekken Creek may affect  a development project to establish 220 family housing units.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS the Trobekken Creek has been opened and re-meandered.  A buffer zone is established around the re-opened creek and is also combined with a sedimentation dam (check dam).

    Altitude adapted and microbe assisted seed mixture: Concept case site

    Example of one of the 20 test fields in which the erosion reduction was tested. Each installation  had three 2x3m plots and was composed of a control plot with no intervention, a plot treated with plant  seeds only and a third plot with a mixture of seeds and microorganisms.

    The Kaunertal concept case is an innovative research project with the aim of revegetating barren slopes in high alpine areas, such as those left by road construction or ski slope development, devoted to reducing erosion from these slopes.

    Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS the stabilizing effect of vegetation and the growth-promoting effects of bacteria to enhance plant traits that most strongly contribute to slope stability, exclusively applying autochthonous species without introducing external species and microbes into the area, are demonstrated.

    A talajélet biológiai sokszínűségének növelése és a fenntartható vidéki élet népszerűsítése biointenzív zöldségtermesztés keretében a Pallagvölgyi Biokertben


    A Kóspallagon működő Pallagvölgyi Biokert alapvető célja az, hogy jó minőségű és vegyszermentes zöldséget termesszen oly módon, hogy egyúttal széleskörű kommunikációs és figyelemfelhívó tevékenység révén a gazdaság által magáénak vallott, talajkímélő, a talajélet sokszínűségét éltető gazdálkodási mód minél több emberhez eljusson. A gazdaság megalapítása során mindemellett fontos szempont volt a vidéki megélhetés és az élelmiszer önrendelkezés népszerűsítése, a települési zöldhulladék-elhelyezés országos problémájára való helyi megoldás kialakítása, valamint a helyi...

    Las Llamas Park, Santander: Wetlands and permeable car parks

    Panoramic view of the Las Llamas Park. In the right, the east side with the Palacio de Deportes, at the left, the west side with the Arenas bridge.

    The D4RUNOFF project’s goal is to create a novel framework for preventing and managing diffuse pollution from urban water runoff. This will be achieved by designing hybrid nature-based solutions (NBS) and a data-driven AI-platform to support policy and decision making.

    The case studies have been identified for the implementation and validation of this approach in varying environments. The replicability of these results will then be assessed at five replication sites. The Las Llamas Park in Santander has been chosen as one of three case study sites as part of the D4RUNOFF project.

    CES assessment through social media data in Barcelona costal area (ES)

    Application of the 2nd version of the Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data (Flickr) to the coastline of Barcelona, Spain. The coastline application falls within the scope of the NICHE project, aiming to assess changes in CES benefits uptake in case of rain events.

    CES assessment through social media data in the urban parks of Rome (IT)

    Application of the 3rd version of the Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data to the urban parks of Rome, Italy.  The protocol was applied to compile a dictionary for automatizing the analysis of tweets geocoded within the UGS and, on this basis, assess their quality.

    NATURE-IN New Sustainable Nature-Inclusive Architectural Devices for the Transformation of our Interior Dwelling Space: through Selected Case Studies.

    NATURE-IN introduces Nature-connection sensory experiences through architectural interior space to improve our health and wellbeing.

    Nature-In is an artistic, technical and historical research, that will gain knowledge from our architectural heritage to inform us of a Contemporary Design, through Landscape, Architectural Interior and Biophilic Design approaches, as a resource to mitigate an urgent problem. The overall aim is to improve Nature’s connection with the interior spaces of buildings, to enhance the health and wellbeing in dwellings and urban areas in the EU and beyond. Thus, Nature-In may transform the reality towards a better life.

    Improving and monitoring pollinator biodiversity in Huckarde

    Naturfelder Dortmund e.V. was founded in order to convert urban spaces into pollinator friendly habitats. The structure of the association allows long-term existence beyond proGIreg. Main goals of the NBS implementations include:

    • Activating interested citizens from the Huckarde and Deusen district for pollinating insects and biodiversity topics
    • Sowing flower meadows or planting insect friendly plants that increase biodiversity on public or private land in cooperation with owners 
    • Participating in events to inform about pollinator friendly measures
    • ...

    Modular urban farm

    The modular urban farm is a platform for presenting modern food production technologies to the interested public and the local community. It provides direct access to and close encounter with applications and practical features of green technologies. Key goals include:

    • Increasing local food production throughout the year independent of climate and whether conditions.
    • Presenting modern food production technologies to interested citizens.
    • Experimenting with keeping a constant temperature in the container and its power supply given the green wall and roof acting
    • ...

    Szántóföldi agrárerdészet

    Az Ökoház Farm 2015-ben fogott bele látványos eredményeket hozó agrárerdészeti projektjébe, amelynek keretében az ipari és energetikai célú császárfa ültetvényt fás sávos köztesműveléssel társították, és fokhagymát termesztettek a fák árnyékában. 

    A gazdálkodók az interneten történő kutatással, majd az AGFOSY projektbe történő bekapcsolódásuk során szereztek információt az agrárerdészetben rejlő lehetőségekről. Később alapító tagjai voltak az Agroerdészeti Civil Társaságnak, amelyen keresztül kapcsolatba kerültek az Európai Agroerdészeti Szövetséggel (EURAF) és a H2020 AFINET...

    Greening Milan: Innovating Urban Spaces Through Nature-based Solutions

    Copyright by Paola Pignataro)

    Greening Milan and creating an innovative and sustainable urban environment by implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the city's neighborhoods, buildings and infrastructure, together with the citizens, was the main objective of the CLEVER Cities project in which Milan participated. Examining the CLEVER Cities Milan case study provides an in-depth understanding of the specific interventions implemented, the challenges faced and the overall strategies adopted by the city. Overall, it provides valuable insights into how NbS have been used to address urban regeneration, climate change...

    The CLEVER Way: Hamburg, Neugraben-Fischbek

    The CLEVER Cities project identified the primary planning goals for Neugraben-Fischbek district located in the South-West of the city of Hamburg was to: (a) creating a connective ‘Green Corridor’ to link a system of NbS interventions; (b) establishing horizontal greenery through the construction of green roofs on existing buildings; and (c) address the topic of environmental education and connect the youth with nature. 

    Hamburg has aimed at addressing the following challenges, including:

    • Increase biodiversity and nature in the city: To address this, the city

    • ...

    CONEXUS – Enhancing urban biodiversity through learning communities in the city of Buenos Aires

    Breathe / Respirar Pilot - Photo credits: Veronica Fabio, 2020.

    With a network of over 25 partners across public and non-government sectors, the Life-Lab establishes multidisciplinary communities of learning to investigate and co-design NBS in order to counter a palette of harmful effects of urbanisation in the MRBA. These include, among others, air pollution, environmental degradation, and habitat loss as well as diminishing natural stormwater treatment functions, soil permeability, and water retention capacities of urban ecosystems.

    Via engaging actors with direct connections to local pilots, the Buenos Aires Life-Lab aims to drive faster...

    CONEXUS – ‘Observatori d’agricultura urbana’: Barcelona’s Urban Agriculture Observatory

    Urban allotment in Barcelona. Credits: Arnau Lluch, 2022.

    In the context of the CONEXUS project, 47 of the 189 municipal allotments are being monitored by the Observatori d’Horts urbans (or ‘Urban Allotment Observatory’), a key legacy of the city’s Strategy for Urban Agriculture 2019-2030. Led by Barcelona Regional, a technical agency specialised in strategic urban planning and infrastructure, and in partnership with Barcelona City Council, the Urban Allotment Observatory analyses the ecosystem services and socio-environmental benefits of urban allotments, linking them to the city’s green infrastructure, and enhancing...

    CONEXUS – Restoring hydro-social systems in the Southern and Northern Borders of Bogotá

    Planting Day in Borde Sur. Credits: Anny Merlo, 2023.

    The Bogotá Life-Lab focuses on the challenges faced by urban-rural transition zones in the Southern and Northern borders of the city, whose settlements and strategic ecosystems have been negatively impacted by urban expansion processes. These territories grapple with an array of challenges related to informality and unplanned urbanisation, including land-use conflicts, socio-environmental risks resulting from local topography (e.g. settlements expanding onto mountainous and river slopes), and environmental degradation. As a result, the wellbeing and livelihood of inhabiting communities is...

    CONEXUS – LISGREEN: re-naturing urban spaces in Lisbon

    Urban nature. Credits: Paula Nicolau, 2022.

    LISGREEN embodies the following objectives:

    • To deliver ecological services that improve residents’ quality of life through co-produced NBS;
    • To generate evidence on the role of active citizenship for integrating green infrastructure into new urban models, promoting both ecological connectivity and social cohesion;
    • To support NBS policy upscale by introducing nature-based thinking (NBT) in policy design, implementation and evaluation supported by an inter-sectorial, multi-scale, and multi-stakeholders’ approach;
    • To bring NBS to the centre-stage as a
    • ...

    CONEXUS – Laboratorio BioUrbano, Santiago de Chile

    NBS governance workshop, Santiago+ Green Infrastructure Plan. Credits: Felipe Labrae, 2023

    Within the CONEXUS project, Santiago’s Life-Lab, Laboratorio BioUrbano, is an inter-sectoral partnership between academics, public institutions, private actors, and civil society. With the aim of co-producing urban nature-based solutions (NBS) to address the important challenges faced by the city, it proposes a series of interlinked objectives:

    • Improving biodiversity, water and soil health, especially in relation to the design of green space, e.g. ensuring the presence and diversity of native plant species, or water management;
    • More equitable
    • ...

    CONEXUS – Restoring, protecting, and maintaining thriving urban forests: three pilots in the city of São Paulo

    Green Corridor between Ciência and Consciência Negra Parks. Photo credits: Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, 2022.

    The main objective of the São Paulo Life-Lab is to fast-forward the urban green transition by harnessing the ecosystem services of urban forests, and while doing so, tackling socio-environmental inequalities through NBS co-creation.

    The Life-Lab thus aligns with the wider vision of São Paulo City to promote urban forests as global solutions to climate change and other sustainable development challenges, including with strategic policy agendas like the 'Municipal Plan for Protected Areas, Green Areas and Open Spaces', the 'Municipal Plan for the Conservation and Recovery of the...

    CONEXUS – Valdocco Vivibile: NBS for liveable and climate-proof neighbourhoods, Turin

    Street greening interventions in Valdocco. Credits: Alessandro Tempia Valente, 2023.

    The Valdocco Vivibile Life-Lab establishes a community of learning around urban NBS for ecosystem restoration, multifunctional ecosystem services, biodiversity enhancement, and social inclusion, promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaborative leadership. It creates mechanisms for involving citizens, academia, and public, private, and third sectors at different governance scales through a powerful communication and dissemination strategy. A key element is the involvement of local schools and pupils in the co-creation of a public communication campaign to raise awareness of and...