Cities Talk Nature Showcase

Welcome to the Cities Talk Nature Showcase. We created this tool to showcase and connect projects and people who are restoring degraded ecosystems in all parts of the world.

In accordance with INTERLACE’s nature, people, and places approach, the examples below address nature, but also people and places, thus emphasizing not only ecosystem connectivity but also connectivity of natural and social processes and places.

Why is this an opportunity for you?

The Showcase aims to connect people and places are involved in Nature Based Solutions. Click on the map to view examples from around the world.

How to join?

If you are running a project that involves Nature Based Solutions and you want to share it in the showcase, please add your project here. We’ll check that it has all the criteria needed and will contact you if we have any questions.

Get in touch

Please contact for further information.

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The "Blue Pearls for Berlin" eco-account project confronts critical challenges in the German capital, tackling issues such as...

The Vistula Bicycle Path project in Niepołomice, located in the Małopolska region of Poland, addresses several challenges, including...

Błonia Niepołomickie

On the beginning it was a former arable fields were the major part of the area. The later abandonment of cultivation resulted in the...

The Municipality of Goicoechea is located in the province of San José, capital of the Republic of Costa Rica. It has a population of 130...

The municipality of Oreamuno since 2020 has developed the bee-friendly Oreamuno strategy, which seeks the recovery of urban ecosystems...

The strategy sets supralocal targets for 15 municipalities, including the city of Krakow. One of them is objective 2. An environmentally...

The Portoviejo River Corridor Project values the river as a natural structuring axis of the city, seeks its ecosystemic and landscape...

The development of the Pleißenpark is only one part of the funding scheme "Zukunft Stadtgrün" which is a neighbourhood spanning...

ciudad de Envigado

SILAPE is the main strategy to guarantee the conservation of municipal strategic ecosystems, both urban and rural. This strategy...

Río Congost a su paso por la zona agrícola de Granollers

The Congost River is a Mediterranean river that crosses the city of Granollers. The demographic and industrial growth of the 1960s and...

Campaña de Limpieza en el Rio Maria Aguilar , se removieron 785 kg de residuos solidos con la participacion de 70 voluntarios

The Peace Park is one of the large urban parks of the CBIMA. In it and on its borders, the following projects have been carried out...