• Document

Interlace Agile Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an


  • Document

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with regards to nature-based solutions (NbS) implementation and mainstreaming. The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an


  • Policy Brief

Why is Peatland Rewetting Critical for Meeting EU Environmental Objectives?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, Ecologic Institute and IEEP – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


  • Document
  • Guidance

Addressing climate change in cities: Policy instruments to promote urban nature-based solutions

This guidance document responds to gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. Each instrument is briefly described


  • Training

Urban Nature Explorer

A simulation game to address sustainability challenges through nature-based solutions.


  • Policy Brief

Design Brief 1- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Approaches

This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for


  • Consultancy
  • Document
  • Guidance

Sistema de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas en el cantón de Curridabat

Acomienzos del 2015, el cantón de Curridabat desarrollo su visión o modelo de desarrollo denominado Ciudad Dulce, que a la vez se constituyo en la base del Plan de Gobierno Multidimensional. Impulsado por el municipio local busca beneficiar 75.000 habitantes residentes a través de la creación y


  • Report

GrowGreen report: Intervention Conclusions - Manchester

This report details the interventions and outcomes of the Manchester GrowGreen project, funded as part of the European Commission’s 2016 Smart Cities and Communities Call for “Demonstrating Innovative Nature Based Solutions in Cities”. This report looks at the ways Nature Based Solutions (NbS), in


  • Document
  • Event
  • Report

NetworkNature Annual Event 2024 Report | Busting myths: People with nature

This year’s NetworkNature Annual Conference – "Busting myths: People with nature" took place on 25th September 2024, both online and in-person in Brussels, in Belgium. It gathered more than 370 participants, including policymakers, local authorities, researchers, land planners and


  • Policy Brief

Why is nature restoration critical for climate adaptation in the EU?

Nature restoration is critical for reducing climate change-related risks by reducing human exposure to climate related hazards and the vulnerability of ecosystems and biodiversity to the impacts of these hazards. In addition, it helps build capacity to adapt to these impacts and can in some cases


  • Document
  • Report

State of Finance for Nature 2022 Report

The second edition of the State of Finance for Nature report launched today reveals that nature-based solutions are still significantly under-financed. If the world wants to halt biodiversity loss, limit climate change to below 1.5C and achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030, current finance


Two people cycling on a cycleway
  • Empty

Revealing the determinants of gender inequality in urban cycling with large-scale data

Cycling uptake has gone up, but women still cycle much less than men. What role does the urban environment play in this gender-cycling gap? Check out our new study on EPJ Data Science. Publication Date: 18 Apr 2023 Author(s): Alice Battiston, Ludovico Napoli , Paolo Bajardi , André Panisson


  • Paper

The environmental health citizen interview tool: towards an inclusive qualitative environmental wellbeing approach in support of planetary health

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are vital for addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, yet their benefits are often unequally distributed. This study introduces the Environmental Health Citizen Interview Tool, aiming to inclusively capture diverse perspectives on environmental wellbeing using


  • Guidance
  • Report

Principles for delivering urban Nature-based Solutions

This report aims to enable more ambitious targets related to NbS, climate resilience and ENG, and ultimately increase the application of NbS, both wild and cultivated, in urban areas. To achieve this, the report sets out six principles to assist organisations and individuals in the design,


  • Document
  • Guidance

The World Cities Report 2020: The Value of Sustainable Urbanisation

The World Cities Report 2020 shows that the intrinsic value of sustainable urbanisation can and should be harnessed for the wellbeing of all. The Report provides evidence and policy analysis of the value of urbanisation from an economic, social and environmental perspective, including the


  • Paper

A new evaluation framework for nature-based solutions (NbS) projects based on the application of performance questions and indicators approach

One of the key features of nature-based solutions (NBSs) is their high effectiveness and economic and resource efficiency in solving problems compared to traditional grey interventions. These aspects, however, have so far attracted little attention in the literature but should be considered, as the


  • Document
  • Report

EU - China collaborations in the GrowGreen project

This report examines the scope for future EU China collaboration on Nature Based Solutions (NbS). In the original call for “demonstrating innovative nature based solutions in cities” (H2020-SCC-2016-2017) the call made reference to the EU-China Sustainable Urbanisation Partnership and the EU-China


  • Video

PHUSICOS: Living Lab en Erill la Vall (Catalunya, España)

Do you know about the problem that the population of Erill la Vall in Catalonia faces? Are you interested in knowing more? Here you will be able to view explanations from PHUSICOS project experts and images about this erosive problem and the nature-based solutions designed to respond to it. The


  • Dataset
  • Guidance

Repository of NbS guidance material

The NbS Guidance Repository is a collection of guides, handbooks, manuals, toolboxes, and other guidance materials. These resources are specifically designed to facilitate knowledge brokering and capacity-building on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for a diverse group of non-academic actors. The
