• Document

Interlace Agile Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an


  • Document

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with regards to nature-based solutions (NbS) implementation and mainstreaming. The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an


  • Policy Brief

How Will Nature Restoration Help Fulfil EU Environmental Policy Objectives?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


  • Paper

Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for


  • Product

NBS EduWORLD Flipbook - Nature-based Solutions-Learning from NBS EduSystems inspiring initiatives

Nature-based solutions (NBS) have gained solid ground in urban planning and design over the last decade. However, NBS education is still in a nascent stage and thus there is a gap in knowledge, skills and awareness of younger generations to be prepared to support mainstreaming NBS in all sectors


  • Document
  • Product

Conexus key learning factsheet series - Integrating intersectionality into urban NbS

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) interventions are embedded in settings where socio-environmental inequalities can be reinforced over time unless intentionally tackled. This factsheet highlights key learnings from co-designing and implementing more just and inclusive NbS, spanning experiences in


  • Document

Blueprint for Innovation in Urban Forestry

Blueprint for Innovation in Urban Forestry: a review of urban forestry’s potential for a healthier and more sustainable future Urbanisation is a global trend: according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), today 55.5% of the world’s population lives in urban


  • Software

OneMap from Ecometrica

A diverse business with global operations and land-based assets faces a number of reporting challenges. Management teams need fast access to data that is locked away in departmental silos, inaccessible and unusable. Even with close links to these departments, gathering all the information needed to


  • Paper

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief 3 - Leaving no one behind: Towards inclusive nature-based solutions

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature provides an overview of the concept of inclusion in the nature-based solutions context, including its relevance to the EU and international policy landscape and the just transition. By raising awareness on the importance of inclusive nature-based


  • Document

Nature In All Goals

Nature is essential to achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals. It provides us with vital resources such as food, air, water, and energy. In addition, nature can be harnessed to create solutions to the challenges set out in the SDGs, solutions that are positive for social, economic,


  • Document
  • Guidance

Co-learning Forum Handbook for application of the Co-learning Forum methodology

This handbook is a how-to guide for implementing Co-learning Forums, a platform for co-learning and co-production of knowledge, and includes key methodology and tools for organisation and facilitation, in both digital and face-to-face participatory activities. The methodology is grounded in the


  • Document

CONEXUS Policy Brief 4 - Nature-based strategies to improve livability and enhance ecosystems in vulnerable areas

Many Latin American cities face similar sustainability challenges due to informal urban expansion processes in environmentally vulnerable areas, resulting in increased social and ecological vulnerabilities. This policy brief presents the experience of the Independencia Green Belt in Lima, Peru. It


  • Document

ClairCity Educational resources

As an educator you are acutely aware that not only are young people our future, they are also one of the groups that are most at risk from air pollution and climate change. Use the resources to inspire young people into action so we can all benefit from a future with clean air!


  • Video

What is PHUSICOS / ¿Qué es PHUSICOS?

Presentation of the PHUSICOS project / Presentación del proyecto PHUSICOS


  • Document

CONEXUS Life-Lab factsheet series - Monitoring ecosystem services of urban forests in São Paulo, Brazil

Trees offer various ecosystem services that can significantly cool down and improve livability in cities. Through a deeper understanding of these contributions by studying native tree species in São Paulo, we aim to provide the municipality guidelines on vegetation structure and species composition


  • Guidance

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Útmutató esőkertek építéséhez

"Az elmúlt években az éghajlati változások miatt olyan környezeti változásokkal kellett szembesülnünk, amelyek komoly negatív hatást gyakoroltak életünkre. Ezeknek a negatív hatásoknak az egyik oka a csapadék jellemzők megváltozása. Megoldást a szemléletváltás jelenthet, ami a csapadékvizek


  • Document

VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Dombvidéki természetalapú vízmegtartási megoldások

A Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Kiadványsorozatában megjelent mérnöki útmutató egy segédlet a települési szintű klíma adaptációhoz. A szöveg összegyűjti és rendszerezni azokat a fogalmakat és ismereteket, amik szükségesek a települési szintű vízgazdálkodási rendszerek kialakításához. Bemutatja a


  • Document
  • Report

Report on NBS professional Skill Gaps

This report identifies nature-based solutions (NBS) professional skill gaps in order to give guidance on how Nature-based Thinking (NBT) can be better integrated into higher education and professional training. To identify the skill gaps, two different approaches for data collection were deployed


  • Video

GoGreenRoutes Introduction Video

Learn about GoGreenRoutes' core approaches and meet the project's partner cities in this short introduction video.


  • Document

Conexus key learning factsheet series - Implementation of indicators for Nature-based Solutions: How to organize it?

Indicators were implemented in each CONEXUS Life-Lab through a participatory approach to gather evidence of the multiple benefits of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) within unique local contexts. The process of implementation was closely followed to track progress and to collect experiences. The key
