• Document

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with regards to nature-based solutions (NbS) implementation and mainstreaming. The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an


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Interlace Agile Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an


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GrowGreen visit to Campinas: how linear parks can make a difference for people, nature and the economy

In order to strengthen engagement from political decision-makers and to create opportunities for the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), the political representatives of the GrowGreen cities were invited to participate in a virtual visit to the city of Campinas, Brazil. With more than 1


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Emerging evidence suggests that greenspace, whether used for recreation or physical activity (i.e. ‘green exercise’), can improve mental health and wellbeing. Indeed, individuals who use greenspaces or engage in green exercise have less mental distress, less anxiety and depression and healthier


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PHUSICOS - Caídas de bloques en Artouste

The hazard at Artouste is caused by rockfalls, both from exposed rock ledges and from loose blocks sitting on the surface of the till on the steep slope. The site is adjacent to the Artouste hydroelectric dam, where the RD-934 road descends from the level of the dam to its base. The slope is steep


  • Guidance

Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027

The new technical guidance on climate-proofing of infrastructure projects has been developed by the Commission in close cooperation with potential implementing partners for InvestEU along with the EIB Group. It is primarily intended for project promoters and experts involved in the preparation


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 7 - Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Planning Instruments

The Regional Government of Santiago (RGS) aims to incorporate ecological planning criteria into its planning instruments and strategies, fostering a more resilient and equitable city-region. This policy brief outlines the city’s learning-by-doing approach, presenting three pilot projects of Nature-


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Vegetation for urban green air quality plans

Are you aware of the benefits that urban vegetation can produce to lowering temperature and improving air quality? Do you remember how you missed being in contact with nature during the lockdown? The book presents how the Life VEG-GAP project consortium have deepened the links between vegetation


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NetworkNature Visualisation: EU-Funded Nature-based solutions research projects addressing Societal Challenges across Ecosystems

In this document you can find a visual representation of the different types of ecosystems and most relevant societal challenges in the context of NbS, with the aim to simplify and communicate these concepts, while inspiring NbS good practices. || The European Commission defines Nature-


  • Guidance

Guidelines for Climate Impact and Vulnerability Assessments Recommendations of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government

These guidelines of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government (IMA Adaptation) provide methodological recommendations for the execution of climate impact and vulnerability assessments at regional and national level. They are intended to


  • Dataset

Resource List: Criteria and Requirements for High-Quality Nature-based Solutions

This review includes a list of selected resources that discuss the criteria and the requirements of high-quality nature-based solutions (NbS). The list consists of resources that offer a comprehensive approach to NbS quality considerations and documents that focus on specific aspects of NbS quality


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 3 - Increasing Community and Stakeholder Engagement in Lisbon’s Nature-Based Solutions

This Policy Brief examines Lisbon’s efforts to boost community engagement in implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) to safeguard the health and well-being of residents and biodiversity. The Lisbon City Council is actively promoting community involvement and emphasising the significance of co-


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Climate change in 12 pictures

This colourful and illustrative brochure was developed within the IUCN's initiative ADAPT: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for resilient communities in Western Balkans. It represents a short guide through the climate change consequences showcasing possible solutions to climate change adaptation


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The World Cities Report 2020: The Value of Sustainable Urbanisation

The World Cities Report 2020 shows that the intrinsic value of sustainable urbanisation can and should be harnessed for the wellbeing of all. The Report provides evidence and policy analysis of the value of urbanisation from an economic, social and environmental perspective, including the


  • Report

NetworkNature Annual Event Report 2023: Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions

The report summarises the key outcomes of the NetworkNature Annual Event 2023 “Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions”, which took place on 8th June 2023, at the Flagey Building in Brussels and brought together more than 150 participants to discuss the transformative nature


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PhusicosVR - NbS demonstrators in Virtual Reality

The H2020 project PHUSICOS focused on demonstration sites for NbS implementations to reduce hydrometrological risks in rural environments. These implementations are difficult enough to envision for professionals familiar with them, such as landscape architects and infrastructure engineers, but for


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VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Körkörös városi vízgazdálkodás és vízhasználat

A klímaváltozás okozta hidrogeológiai kockázatok miatt az európai városok egyre gyakrabban szembesülnek a kapcsolódó problémákkal, akár hirtelen áradások vagy éppen a vízhiány képében. A Körforgásos Városi Vízgazdálkodás projekt (CWC) célja hogy segítse a városokat az elavult városi infrastruktúra


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GrowGreen Cities Posters

What did the GrowGreen cities achieved? The progress of the different GrowGreen Cities during the last 5 years is summarised in these posters, which illustrate the most relevant results within the project.


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Reflections for establishing Urban Life-Labs for governance of Nature-based Solutions

This factsheet presents the key learnings and strategies from the establishment processes of seven Urban Life-Labs located in seven major cities across Latin America: São Paulo, Bogotá, Santiago, and Buenos Aires; and across Europe: Lisbon, Barcelona, and Turin. Each Urban Life-Lab represents


  • Guidance

Guía para la Implementación de SbN en Quito

The application of NbS requires the involvement of a wide range of city agents: the policy makers, NGOs and residents They must be accompanied and involved along the way towards a greener city. We can not afford dispense with all existing local knowledge in our local communities. At the same time,
