• Document

Interlace Agile Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an


  • Document

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with regards to nature-based solutions (NbS) implementation and mainstreaming. The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an


  • Policy Brief

Why is Nature Restoration Critical for River Connectivity?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


  • Event

Bauhaus Prizes 2021

The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life. It is about bridging the global


  • Report

Conceptual & action framework on Low carbon | High air quality NbS potentials

The deliverable 2.1, Report knowledge base/action framework Low carbon | High air quality NbS potentials, was submitted by EURAC with contributions from TUM, TUC, ABUD, RWI, ISOCARP, KYDON, MUC, LEU, MERANO, COBZ, GLC, SMJV in June 2022. The description of the deliverable is available below and the


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Polish NbS Hub in Wroclaw

The establishment of the Hub will allow internal and external collaboration with other cities and organizations across the country to gather and transfer knowledge on nature-based solutions. The Hub's activities will focus on promoting the potential of nature-based solutions to reduce heat


Aerial view of path radiating from a centre point with grassland between the paths
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Nature-based Placemaking in High-Density Cities

Ecostack Innovations has just released a new publication with recommendations for Nature-Based Placemaking in High-Density Cities. Through this document, they are sharing some of the learning experiences from the implementation of nature-based placemaking in high-density cities based on our work


  • Video

PHUSICOS: Living Lab en Erill la Vall (Catalunya, España)

Do you know about the problem that the population of Erill la Vall in Catalonia faces? Are you interested in knowing more? Here you will be able to view explanations from PHUSICOS project experts and images about this erosive problem and the nature-based solutions designed to respond to it. The


  • Paper

Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for


The hands of two children picking up plant bulbs
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D3.5 Results of six seedbed interventions in the six Cultivating Cities

This report shows the processes and results of six seedbed interventions in the project in the six Cultivating Cities. These interventions were developed in close cooperation between city partners and partners from WP3. Publication Date: 01 Mar 2023


  • Paper

The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective

In this paper, they reflect on the implications for science, policy and practice of the recently introduced concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), with a focus on the European context. First, they analyse NbS in relation to similar concepts, and reflect on its relationship to sustainability as an


  • Software

OneMap from Ecometrica

A diverse business with global operations and land-based assets faces a number of reporting challenges. Management teams need fast access to data that is locked away in departmental silos, inaccessible and unusable. Even with close links to these departments, gathering all the information needed to


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ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Természet-alapú megoldások támogatása" című műhelytalálkozó előadásai

A 2022. május 3-5. között megrendezésre kerülő műhelytalálkozó első napján bemutatásra kerültek a "Zöld és kék települési infrastruktúra támogatása" c. projekt keretében megszületett szakértői anyagok. Az esemény második napján gyakorlati példákon keresztül került bemutatásra, hogy


  • Paper

Innovation in NbS Co-Desing and Implementation

Article published in Sustainability. From the published abstract: Impacts in the form of innovation and commercialization are essential components of publicly funded research projects. PHUSCOS ("According to Nature" in Greek), an EU Horizon 2020 Program (H2020) Innovation Action project


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  • Guidance

National decarbonisation plan: Government of Costa Rica

The National Decarbonization Plan is a response to the request of the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Mr. Carlos Alvarado Quesada, to prepare a strategic document that would offer a Roadmap with key actions to consolidate the process towards the decarbonization of the Costa Rican


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Sistema de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas en el cantón de Curridabat

Acomienzos del 2015, el cantón de Curridabat desarrollo su visión o modelo de desarrollo denominado Ciudad Dulce, que a la vez se constituyo en la base del Plan de Gobierno Multidimensional. Impulsado por el municipio local busca beneficiar 75.000 habitantes residentes a través de la creación y


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  • Training

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai"

A 2021. októberében megrendezett Miniszterelnökség által szervezett "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai, előadók között többek között: Magyar Urbanisztikai Társaság, Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, Balatonfelvidéki Nemzeti Park


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The Isar Restoration in Munich - A participatory climate change adaptation measure

The Isar river concept case is a 'retrospective case' focusing on NbS practices along the river Isar in Bavaria, Germany. Measures to reduce flood risk and improve the ecological state of the river and its immediate surroundings were taken several years ago and the previous Isar


  • Report

Planning and implementing nature-based solutions - summary

This report is a summary of the proGIreg project's efforts in planning and implementing nature-based solutions, the summary is derived from in-depth reports linked to the end of each chapter. Explore the reports to learn more!


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VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Körkörös városi vízgazdálkodás és vízhasználat

A klímaváltozás okozta hidrogeológiai kockázatok miatt az európai városok egyre gyakrabban szembesülnek a kapcsolódó problémákkal, akár hirtelen áradások vagy éppen a vízhiány képében. A Körforgásos Városi Vízgazdálkodás projekt (CWC) célja hogy segítse a városokat az elavult városi infrastruktúra
