INTERLACE report on implemented engagement programmes

The INTERLACE project has been proactive in targeting citizens as part of its objective to increase public awareness and understanding of urban ecosystem restoration and the importance of nature in cities more generally. This objective has been delivered via a Citizen Engagement Programme, which has been co-developed and delivered by the project’s communication specialists (Work Package 5) alongside representatives from each of the six participating case studies: Envigado (Colombia); Granollers (Spain); Metropolia Krakowska (Poland); Chemnitz (Germany); Portoviejo (Ecuador); and Corredor Biológico Interurbano Rio María Aguilar (CBIMA) (Costa Rica). This project deliverable summarises the results of implementing the Citizen Engagement Programme in the five INTERLACE cities and peri-urban areas as well as the Business Insight workstream through five thematic webinars.