• Video

GrowGreen visit to Campinas: how linear parks can make a difference for people, nature and the economy

In order to strengthen engagement from political decision-makers and to create opportunities for the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), the political representatives of the GrowGreen cities were invited to participate in a virtual visit to the city of Campinas, Brazil. With more than 1


  • Report

European Roadmap to 2030 for Research and Innovation on Nature-based Solutions

This Roadmap to 2030, facilitated by NetworkNature, identifies core action areas for European research and innovation on Nature-based solutions (NBS) that are essential to achieve EU goals for NBS development and deployment. It offers a holistic view of the efforts made thus far, identifies


  • Report

Mapping environmental risks and socio-economic benefits of planned transport infrastructure: a global picture

This technical report investigates the benefits of planned road and rail transport infrastructure projects for society and the economy, as well as the consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. To date, impacts of infrastructure development on ecosystem services have not been widely


  • Document
  • Guidance

Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities

The ‘Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities’ is a collection of virtual collaboration methods tested and evaluated in the INTERLACE project. It can be a particular challenge to build collaboration and trust between cities merely online, but the available methods and tools were


  • Video

PHUSICOS: Snow avalanches at Capet Forest

The hazard at the site is from snow avalanches in the 'Midaou' avalanche path. The avalanches may reach the village of Barèges, and this has occurred numerous times in the past, the last event being in 2013. The slope and the release area have numerous old 'grey' protective


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Product

GrowGreen NbS Co-design Guide

The “GrowGreen NBS co-design Guide”, made by Bipolaire, could be materialised as a tool that guides the NBS co-design process through questions. It is structured similarly as the GCF (Green Cities Framework), based on three main pillars: Planning, Mobilising, and Evaluating. Municipalities that


  • Guidance
  • Policy Brief

Integrating Nature-based Solutions in Education: Unlocking the Potential of Transformative Learning for Sustainability

This policy brief provides a timely and brief overview of the current policy incentives for NBS and sustainability education in Europe, identifies key barriers and opportunities in supporting education systems in taking up NBS education and offers key recommendations for policy makers, educators,


  • Video

BS 8631: Adaptation to climate change - Using adaptation pathways for decision making

The climate is changing and making the right decisions around adaption and resilience is increasingly importa​nt. BSI is taking a lead in supporting organizations with good practice in this area. With an introduction from the Adaptation sub-Committee of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, the


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  • Video
  • Web platform

The Green Divide

The Green Divide is an interactive documentary about the impact of greening and redevelopment plans on neighborhoods in six cities across Europe and North America. Through texts, maps and video testimonials, the online platform provides a deeper understanding of contemporary urban dynamics from the


  • Document

Assessing Green Infrastructure Elements in the Visegrad Countries

30% of significantly and moderately fragmented area, 22% of mammals in the danger of extinction and only 17% of favourable conservations status of habitats and species within the Natura 2000 network1 - these are some of the sheer numbers that show that the EU’s biodiversity is in extreme danger.


  • Video


Az intenzív gazdálkodás miatt a világ termőtalajainak jelentős hányada leromlott állapotban van vagy már véglegesen meg is semmisült. Ennek oka a talajok szervesanyag-tartalmának csökkenése, az ebből következő szerkezetromlás, tömörödés és az erózió, illetve a savanyodás, a szikesedés vagy éppen a


  • Consultancy
  • Document
  • Guidance

Sistema de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas en el cantón de Curridabat

Acomienzos del 2015, el cantón de Curridabat desarrollo su visión o modelo de desarrollo denominado Ciudad Dulce, que a la vez se constituyo en la base del Plan de Gobierno Multidimensional. Impulsado por el municipio local busca beneficiar 75.000 habitantes residentes a través de la creación y


  • Guidance

Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data

Collectively designed standard protocol for coding CES from crowdsourced data. It includes the following files and a video tutorial to facilitate its implementation by other researchers: - Protocol.doc: a document with the general instructions on the procedure for coding; - Annex 1. CES coding.


  • Report


The aim of this report is to disseminate knowledge about relevant existing standards and standardization activities amongst project partners and to support the awareness raising of possible missing standards. Thus this document will show the current resilience and Smart City standardization


  • Paper

TELEPÜLÉSI KLÍMAADAPTÁCIÓ: Útmutató a klímaváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodáshoz

A Berlin-Budapest klímaadaptációs projekt keretén belül elkészült útmutató, amely az önkormányzatokat támogatja az ember által okozott éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodást lokálisan. A szöveg rávilágít arra, hogy helyi szinten is mennyire fontos a stratégia tervezés ahhoz, hogy egy település


  • Event
  • Slides
  • Video

ÁLTALÁNOS: TeAM HUb online Műhelytalálkozók szakmai anyagai

A TeAM HUb egy hiánypótló szakmai közösség, melynek célja a kormányzati, önkormányzati, szakmai és civil szereplők közötti párbeszéd és együttműködés ösztönzése a természetalapú megoldások széleskörű gyakorlati alkalmazása érdekében. E cél elérése érdekében 2023-ban online eseménysorozatot indult,


  • Policy Brief

Why is Nature Restoration Critical to Improving Human Health and Well-being?

This policy brief highlights the importance of well-functioning ecosystems for ensuring human health and well-being, not least in light of climate change. Furthermore, it outlines the potential of nature restoration and specifically the law to generate healthier living environments and to mitigate


  • Document
  • Blog

Can ‘nature-based solutions’ help address climate change?

These so-called “nature-based solutions” are key to many countries’ and companies’ plans to achieve net-zero in the coming decades. Nature-based solutions also featured more prominently than before at the UN’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow last month. The term briefly made an appearance in a


  • Policy Brief

The role of public and private sectors in mainstreaming nature-based solutions - PBF 19 April 2021

The Policy Business Forum (PBF) consists of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) experts and knowledgeable stakeholders at the international, European, and national scale. The main aim of the PBF is to explore innovative ways to strengthen the science-policy-business nexus in order to exploit opportunities


  • Guidance

Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027

The new technical guidance on climate-proofing of infrastructure projects has been developed by the Commission in close cooperation with potential implementing partners for InvestEU along with the EIB Group. It is primarily intended for project promoters and experts involved in the preparation
