Planning and implementing nature-based solutions - summary
This report is a summary of the proGIreg project's efforts in planning and implementing nature-based solutions, the summary is derived from in-depth reports linked to the end of each chapter. Explore the reports to learn more!
ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Innovatív és hatékony megoldások zöldfelületek menedzseléséhez
A kézikönyv esettanulmányok segítségével mutatja be az URBAN GREEN BELTS (UGB) - Városi zöldövezetek projekt során megvalósított tevékenységeket. A projektpartnerek által megszerzett ismeretek és tapasztalatok alapján összegyűjtött tudásanyag a gyakorlatba is beépíthető, sokoldalú eszköz- és
NetworkNature & PHUSICOS Online Event Agenda: NbS private sector upscaling and capacity building
This is the agenda for the NetworkNature & PHUSICOS Online Event.
Conexus key learning factsheet series - Reflections for establishing Urban Life-Labs for governance of Nature-based Solutions
This factsheet presents the key learnings and strategies from the establishment processes of seven Urban Life-Labs located in seven major cities across Latin America: São Paulo, Bogotá, Santiago, and Buenos Aires; and across Europe: Lisbon, Barcelona, and Turin. Each Urban Life-Lab represents
Nature-based solutions-EU-funded NbS research projects tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis
"Nature-based solutions (NbS) are inspired and supported by nature, they are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience; such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities,
The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective
In this paper, they reflect on the implications for science, policy and practice of the recently introduced concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), with a focus on the European context. First, they analyse NbS in relation to similar concepts, and reflect on its relationship to sustainability as an
The development of a Gender, Inclusion and Diversity Framework for inclusive Nature-based Solutions in cities
Evidence consistently shows that the benefits Nature-based Solutions generate are determined by several individual characteristics such as gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity and disability. As a result, Nature-based Solutions can perpetuate existing inequalities and even create new inequalities
Seedbed Intervention:Burgas
Burgas organised its seedbed intervention in close proximity to one of the two pilot areas. The green area between “Gurko“ parking lot and Oborishte street is the pilot site for the GoGreenRoutes project in Burgas. It is located in an area of the city centre which is heavily built with large and
ÁLTALÁNOS: Természetalapú Megoldások: Lehetőség a változtatásra - esély a változásra
Az információs füzet közérthetően mutatja be a TAM fogalmát, a kapcsolódó elméleti és szakpolitikai hátteret, emellett jó példákon, bevált gyakorlatokon keresztül inspirációt is nyújt a TAM alkalmazásához. A kiadványt a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium megbízásából az Interreg V-A Románia-
Connecting Nature Framework
Connecting Nature has developed an introductory guidebook to the overall Connecting Nature Framework and a series on each of the individual elements to assist you develop your nature-based solution.
Conexus Life-Lab factsheet series - Wetland Lugano, the restoration of an aquatic ecosystem
The Lugano wetland pilot is restoring an aquatic ecosystem lost by urbanization in the south of Buenos Aires. The pilot is led by the city government. It involves key stakeholders to promote social awareness about the benefits that wetlands provide to the community. The enhancement of biodiversity
EO Labs from Ecometrica
The Ecometrica Platform's "EO Labs" is a cloud based spatial content management system that gives your organisation the capacity to develop multiple content sharing applications. Application managers within your organisation can pull together data sets, areas of interest and
PHUSICOS : Santa Elena and Artouste
Presentación del estudio de caso PHUSICOS: Santa Elena y Artouste / Présentation de l'étude de cas PHUSICOS : Santa Elena et Artouste
NetworkNature Annual Event Report 2023: Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions
The report summarises the key outcomes of the NetworkNature Annual Event 2023 “Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions”, which took place on 8th June 2023, at the Flagey Building in Brussels and brought together more than 150 participants to discuss the transformative nature
This report is the third report of three, analyzing how NbS are implemented and assessed through indicators in a variety of European and Latin American Cities, which are partners in the CONEXUS project. Analysis was done based on the results of learning cycle 3 but also reflecting of the overall
CONEXUS: Skills Gaps for Naturebased Solutions uptake in Europe and Latin America
Skill gaps hindering the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are often pointed out as a challenge to larger scale NbS uptake. This factsheet presents the findings and key messages of an explorative study on skills and competence gaps among NbS professionals. Moreover, it introduces the
UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (2021): Insuring the climate transition: The final report of UN PSI’s TCFD pilot project
The insurance industry is one of the largest global industries with more than USD 6 trillion in world premium volume and USD 36 trillion in assets under management. As such, insurers hold a significant portion of global economic assets and liabilities on their balance sheets. As risk managers,
Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans
Over the past few years, several market and industry initiatives have focused on converging reporting standards that cover climate issues as well as aligning and improving comparability of climate-related metrics. These efforts include work to harmonize greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methods to
Urban GreenUp info-pack: New strategy for Renaturing Cities through Nature Based Solutions
This guide presents an integrated methodology for the development of Renaturing Urban Plans (RUP). The goal is to help cities worldwide to increase environmental sustainability and to address climate, social and economic challenges via the local implementation of Nature-based solutions (NBSs).
Seedbed Intervention Images
Do you want to feel the full experience of our recent Seedbed Interventions in the Seed Cities of Burgas, Limerick, Lahti, Umea, Tallinn and Versailles? Fear not. You can see for yourself in this gallery of imagery from the interventions. Publication Date: 03 Feb 2023 Author(s): City of
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