Area characterisation:
Located in the Kampinos National Park, Poland, the case study covers approximately 6000 ha of wetlands.
The wetlands in Kampinos National Park, Poland, are restored in order to slow water runoff and protect Natura2000 habitats as well as species.
This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation.
- naturalisation of artificial ditches and watercourses to reconnect waterbodies
- construction of a series of riffles
Potential impacts/benefits:
- reconnecting water bodies
- change in land use
- increase of ecological resilience of Natura 2000 habitats and habitats of Natura 2000 species
NbS benefits
- Reduce run-off
- Carbon sequestration and storage
- Restoring ecosystems and their functions
- Improve connectivity and functionality of green and blue infrastructures
- Increase Biodiversity
Further information
Sustainable Development Goals
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life On Land