The Nordic Council of Ministers programme, Nature-based Solutions in the Nordic Region, is financing a project in Åland to improve four multifunctional wetlands for better water quality, sustainable food production, climate adaptation and increased biodiversity.
For several years, the drinking water from the Åland lakes and streams was assessed as insufficient and water samples showed a declining quality. This led the water supply company Ålands Vatten in 2015 to initiate research and an urgent new management plan to ensure a sustainable water supply. One study showed that the main reason to polluting nutrient supplies came from agricultural land. Today the water quality is significantly better, but there is still a need for improvements in wetlands. Therefore, Ålands Vatten has applied for funding from the Nature-based solutions programme for a Nordic pilot project.
The past years Ålands Vatten has developed a good collaboration with farmers and this collaboration is considered as essential for the implementation of the project.
- This is a real win-win project for both the citizens of Åland, who get cleaner drinking water, and for the farmers, who get help to a more sustainable production. At the same time, the project will prevent floods by re-establishing the natural wetlands and creating increased biodiversity, says Ann Nedergaard, project manager from Ålands Vatten.
The project has been initiated and will run in the years 2022-2024.
Improve water quality
Prevent floods by re-establishing the natural wetlands
Increased biodiversity
- Better protection and restoration of coastal ecosystems
- Reduce flood risk
- Carbon sequestration and storage
- Increase Biodiversity
- Improve water quality
- Social inclusion
- Sustainable development of coastal regions
The Nordic Council of Ministers programme Nature-based Solutions in the Nordic Region has funded this project with DKK 850,000.
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life On Land