Urban ecosystems and their rural surroundings are increasingly under strain due to urbanisation and encroachment, the conversion of open spaces, loss of ecological connectivity, and climate change, amongst other factors. This can harm natural habitats and endanger human health and well-being as well as biodiversity.
Yet while the interconnectedness of rural-urban areas present opportunities for development and cooperation, their linkages also require integrated solutions. In this context, nature-based solutions (NbS) hold great value. By restoring and protecting local
ecosystems through e.g. ecological corridors, river restoration or agroforestry, NbS can strengthen urban-rural linkages to increase resilience to climate change, benefit the environment and support the economy.
The city of Envigado, Colombia, is a leading example of an integral approach to foster urban-rural linkages for people and biodiversity, with its local system of protected areas (SILOPE) and a wide range of creative and innovative mechanisms to engage citizens through cultural, social and education activities.
On November 23-24, 2023, more than 180 participants gathered in-person and virtually, for a special conference and engagement event organized within the INTERLACE project by the city of Envigado in cooperation with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Ecologic Institute and the Humboldt Institute Colombia, to learn in detail from Envigado’s experience, as well as from the examples of other cities from the Cities Talk Nature community of practice, and the expertise of the INTERLACE project partners.
Follow the links below to explore the different practices, discussions and reflections shared during the event.
VIRTUAL TOUR OF ENVIGADO (Explore Envigado’s approach to (peri)urban ecosystem restoration)
“Cities Talk Nature” VIRTUAL EXHIBITION (Discover local initiatives from across Europe and Latin America)
ONLINE SESSION (Relive the main session through this recording, also available in Spanish)
- Wilson Ramirez, Humboldt Insittute: "Colombia: Biodiverse, Amphibian and Urban" (In Spanish)
- McKenna Davis, Ecologic Institute: "INTERLACE Project Introduction" (In Spanish)
- Agustin Gutierrez, City of Envigado: "Managing conservation of urban & rural ecosystems in Envigado" (In Spanish)
- Paola Morales, Humboldt Institute: "Rethinking urban-rural linkages through green structures" (In Spanish)
- David Barton, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research: "Green-Blue Factor in Oslo" (In Spanish)