City NBS Tool test area 8 Dec 2021

  • Planning
    30 Sep
  • Planning
    30 Sep
  • Developing
    31 Mar
  • Reviewing
    30 Sep
  • Planning
    31 Dec
  • Developing
    30 Jun
  • Reviewing
    30 Sep
Development Stage Summary: 

The City NBS Tool is currently in its initial, early planning stage

A kick-off workshop was held in September 2021 to commence discussion about the overall vision and purpose of the Tool, and to begin developing possible 'user stories' that might define the benefits it aims to provide. The workshop was attended by WP leads for the purpose of identifying which key products of INTERLACE might be included in the Tool. The results of this initial discussion are available for downloading below (and also via the Fileshare).

The next step in the planning process is to host a follow-up workshop with city partners to determine what their own practical needs might be for the Tool. This workshop will be convened sometime during Q2 2022 (or possibly earlier as a breakout session during the project general meeting in March).

Instructions for Stakeholders: 

The specification for the City NBS Tool has not yet been developed and all ideas are welcome at this stage.

It it particular useful for us to think about:

  1. What is the process by which city authorities and their stakleholders typically plan, design and make decisions about urban restoration projects? At what stage in that process might the City NBS Tool be most useful; and what problems or obstacles might it help to overcome?
  2. What types of information is typically lacking when making decisions about urban ecosystems restoration? Do cities need more/better data; access to guidance and best practice; technical information on implementation and evaluation; tools for spatial planning and prioritisation; methods for engaging stakeholders; or something else?
  3. What existing tools do city authorities and their stakeholders use to inform their decision-making? What is the benefit of these tools and also, what are their limitations?

How to share your ideas at this stage:

Please add comments below or email