• Policy Brief

The role of public and private sectors in mainstreaming nature-based solutions - PBF 19 April 2021

The Policy Business Forum (PBF) consists of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) experts and knowledgeable stakeholders at the international, European, and national scale. The main aim of the PBF is to explore innovative ways to strengthen the science-policy-business nexus in order to exploit opportunities


  • Document
  • Event
  • Report

NetworkNature Annual Event 2024 Report | Busting myths: People with nature

This year’s NetworkNature Annual Conference – "Busting myths: People with nature" took place on 25th September 2024, both online and in-person in Brussels, in Belgium. It gathered more than 370 participants, including policymakers, local authorities, researchers, land planners and


The backs of two people sitting on a stone plnth
  • Paper

The impact of exposure to green or bluespace on dietary intake and food choices among adults—A systematic literature review

Extensive research has shown that spending time in natural greenspaces has a positive impact on health. However, there is limited evidence regarding potential factors that may influence these effects. This review aimed to assess the strength of the evidence and potential impact of exposure to green


  • Event
  • Slides
  • Training

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Természet-alapú megoldások támogatása" című műhelytalálkozó előadásai

A 2022. május 3-5. között megrendezésre kerülő műhelytalálkozó első napján bemutatásra kerültek a "Zöld és kék települési infrastruktúra támogatása" c. projekt keretében megszületett szakértői anyagok. Az esemény második napján gyakorlati példákon keresztül került bemutatásra, hogy


People walking away from the camera in woodland
  • Empty

Stakeholder mapping report in each of the Cultivating Cities

Over the next years, diverse actions are planned in GoGreenRoutes to broaden the understanding and concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and to develop new approaches for city (re)design which actively promote the health of urban dwellers in particular. As part of Work Package 3 (WP3) "


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Infographic
  • Report
  • Slides
  • Training

VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Természetes vízmegtartó megoldások a települési klímaalkalmazkodásban

A 2018 és 2021 között megvalósult LIFE-MICACC projekt célja az önkormányzatok integráló és koordináló szerepének megerősítése az éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás érdekében, az alábbiakban közzétett tudásanyagok a projekt keretén belül készültek. Az anyagok első csoportja az önkormányzatoknak


  • Guidance

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöldinfrastruktúra útmutató - Segédlet zöldinfrastruktúra fejlesztések tervezéséhez, megvalósításához

Az önkormányzati döntéshozatal egyik eszköze a zöldinfrastruktúra-fejlesztés, amely az ökoszisztémák szolgáltatásainak felhasználásával a szürkeinfrastruktúrával ellentétben úgy csökkenti a környezeti és klímakockázatot, javítja a települések alkalmazkodó képességét és a helyi életminőséget, hogy


  • Dataset
  • Guidance
  • Training

Valuing Nature: Demystifying Economic Valuation Paper

This paper covers the main issues, questions and principles surrounding economic valuation and is designed as an overview for those new to economic valuation. The paper brings together input from 120 volunteers from the economic valuation community. The paper provides a summary of agreed principles


  • Report

CLEVER Regional Solutions Catalogue

The CLEVER Regional Solutions Catalogue seeks to elevate the role of nature-based solutions (NbS) across the urban landscape. It aims to inspire uptake and continued energy for implementing Nature-based Solutions that meet the varied needs and requirements of modern cities.


  • Dataset
  • Image
  • Video
  • Web platform

GoGreenRoutes digital media library

Oppla created a digital media library which holds images and videos reflecting each of the Cultivating Cities and the outputs and interventions of the GoGreenRoutes project. The database is available to the Cultivating Cities to use for promotion of GoGreenRoutes activities, particularly digital


  • Document
  • Guidance


Las SbN apoyan una economía circular, restauradora y regeneradora por diseño, y fomentan una mayor productividad de los recursos para reducir su desperdicio y evitar la contaminación, incluso a través de la reutilización y el reciclaje de los mismos. Las SbN también respaldan los conceptos de


  • Document

CONEXUS Policy Brief 5 - Green corridors to connect urban ecosystems

This policy brief presents contributions from the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The city is pursuing the establishment of green corridors as a strategy to reverse the negative effects of urbanisation processes. This brief presents the Municipal Plan for Protected Areas, Green Areas and Open Spaces (


  • Document

Conexus Life-Lab factsheet series - Green and biodiverse schoolyards through community participation

The Breathe/Respirar Program (BRP) is a research and action project in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in schoolyards and their impact on the general well-being and learning process of children. To reach its objectives, the program builds on the collaboration between


  • Web platform

PHUSICOS Action Database

The PHUSICOS Action Database is a product innovation which establishes a comprehensive state-of-research evidence-base and information management platform. Implemented NBSs related to extreme hydro-meteorological events in rural and mountainous landscapes are accessible though this open-source


Birch tree trunks and blue sky
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Co-Creation in the making: Introducing and Co-Planning seedbed interventions

This report provides an overview of the work of WP3 partners, city partners and their stakeholders since the challenge workshops4 were implemented in each of the six Cultivating Cities in October and November 2021 and January 2022. This report also introduces the concept of seedbed interventions by


Tree branches over water
  • Document

Conexus key learning factsheet series - Checklist for Nature-based Solutions Monitoring & Indicators

Monitoring & Indicators (M&I) help document and evaluate the process, progress, performance, and impact of the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), as well as track whether targets are being met. To support the uptake of M&I in planning practice, this factsheet provides a


  • Video

My building is green Nature-Based Solutions for Adapting Buildings to Climate Change

In the following video, different people involved in and/or affected by the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project explain the characteristics and benefits derived from the Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) implemented by the project in the Gabriela Mistral school from Solana de los Barros, province of Badajoz


  • Web platform

proGIreg Turin Interactive Living Lab NbS Map

This interactive maps let's users explore the nature-based solutions (NbS) implemented in the proGIreg Living Lab in Turin, Italy. ProGIreg is an EU-funded project using nature for urban regeneration of post-industrial areas with and for citizens in European and Chinese cities.


  • Video

MEZŐGAZDASÁG: Mérgezett Föld

Az ember 11 ezer éve foglalkozik földműveléssel, és körülbelül 2 és fél ezer év mióta ekét is használ. 1950-re a világ termőföld készletének a fele termesztésre alkalmatlanná vált az egyre intenzívebb mezőgazdasági technológia miatt. 2010-ig további 30 százalékot tettünk tönkre. A világ
