• Video

PHUSICOS : Santa Elena and Artouste

Presentación del estudio de caso PHUSICOS: Santa Elena y Artouste / Présentation de l'étude de cas PHUSICOS : Santa Elena et Artouste


  • Document

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief 2: Ensuring the quality of nature-based solutions - perspectives of key stakeholder groups

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to explore and analyse different perspectives and perceptions of high-quality nature-based solutions (NbS). The brief provides an overview from key stakeholder groups and draws recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers on how to ensure


  • Event
  • Slides

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöld(-kék) infrastruktúra workshop önkormányzatok részére című esemény előadásai (2023.11.14.)

Magyarország Miniszterelnökségének Közlekedési, Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Fejlesztési Programok Végrehajtásáért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkársága 2023. november 14-én szakmai szemléletformáló rendezvényt szervezett ”Zöld-(kék) infrastruktúra (ZI) workshop Önkormányzatok részére” címmel.


  • Paper

TELEPÜLÉSI KLÍMAADAPTÁCIÓ: Útmutató a klímaváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodáshoz

A Berlin-Budapest klímaadaptációs projekt keretén belül elkészült útmutató, amely az önkormányzatokat támogatja az ember által okozott éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodást lokálisan. A szöveg rávilágít arra, hogy helyi szinten is mennyire fontos a stratégia tervezés ahhoz, hogy egy település


  • Document

Climate Action through Regeneration: Unlocking the Power of Communities and Nature through Tourism

This white paper, “Climate Action through Regeneration: Unlocking the Power of Communities and Nature through Tourism” surveyed 30 tourism operators globally using the IUCN NbS Global Standard to assess how NbS are enabling destinations to take proactive climate action. The paper outlines 5


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Cookbook on virtual and physical interactive exchange formats for cities (EN/ES)

Lessons learned from the city pairings process (T4.2) will be collected and published by CA and UNGL in a cookbook format to support further effective exchanges between INTERLACE cities, as well as beyond the project.


  • Guidance
  • Policy Brief

Integrating Nature-based Solutions in Education: Unlocking the Potential of Transformative Learning for Sustainability

This policy brief provides a timely and brief overview of the current policy incentives for NbS and sustainability education in Europe, identifies key barriers and opportunities in supporting education systems in taking up NbS education and offers key recommendations for policy makers, educators,


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Product

Green Cities Framework (GCF) Handbook

Cities of all sizes and types can develop effective strategies for nature-based solutions, allowing them to create innovative and inspiring ways to tackle major urban challenges, such as flooding and heat stress. Embedding nature-based solutions in this way in long-term city planning, development


  • Report

Financing Natura 2000 - EU Funding Opportunities in 2021-2027

The document is designed to help improve the uptake of EU funds for biodiversity and in particular for the management and restoration of Natura 2000 sites in the current multiannual financial framework (MFF). The guide analyses possibilities of financing investments in Natura 2000 from different EU


  • Document

CONEXUS Policy Brief 7 - Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Planning Instruments

The Regional Government of Santiago (RGS) aims to incorporate ecological planning criteria into its planning instruments and strategies, fostering a more resilient and equitable city-region. This policy brief outlines the city’s learning-by-doing approach, presenting three pilot projects of Nature-


  • Policy Brief

Why is Nature Restoration Critical for Marine Areas?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, Ecologic Institute and IEEP – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


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ClairCity Educational resources

As an educator you are acutely aware that not only are young people our future, they are also one of the groups that are most at risk from air pollution and climate change. Use the resources to inspire young people into action so we can all benefit from a future with clean air!


  • Video

BS 8631: Adaptation to climate change - Using adaptation pathways for decision making

The climate is changing and making the right decisions around adaption and resilience is increasingly importa​nt. BSI is taking a lead in supporting organizations with good practice in this area. With an introduction from the Adaptation sub-Committee of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, the


  • Guidance

Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change

The Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change provides orientation on how risks in the context of climate change can be comprehensively and systemically addressed through risk assessment. Decision-making, planning, and integrating


  • Paper

Nature-based solutions coupled with advanced technologies: An opportunity for decentralized water reuse in cities

Decentralized water reuse in cities is a prominent alternative to mainstream top-down models for urban water treatment, which are based on centralized, linear dynamics of resource management. In this sense, Nature-based Solutions (“green” technologies) coupled with advanced technologies (“grey”


  • Paper

Peer-reviewed paper: Harnessing the potential of nature-based solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change

Abstract: Although many governments, financial institutions, and corporations are embracing nature-based solutions as part of their sustainability and net-zero carbon strategies, some nations, Indigenous peoples, local community groups, and grassroots organizations have rejected this term. This


  • Guidance

Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data

Collectively designed standard protocol for coding CES from crowdsourced data. It includes the following files and a video tutorial to facilitate its implementation by other researchers: - Protocol.doc: a document with the general instructions on the procedure for coding; - Annex 1. CES coding.


  • Document
  • Guidance

Conexus Deliverable 4.3: Ecosystem of guidelines and decision-support tools to stimulate NbS co-creation

The CONEXUS project has meticulously curated this Ecosystem of Guidelines to effectively disseminate the rich insights and practical knowledge gained through the comprehensive and action-oriented work on nature-based solutions across Latin America and Europe. This collection of guiding resources is


  • Video

My building is green Nature-Based Solutions for Adapting Buildings to Climate Change

In the following video, different people involved in and/or affected by the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project explain the characteristics and benefits derived from the Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) implemented by the project in the Gabriela Mistral school from Solana de los Barros, province of Badajoz


  • Video

Science at ISGlobal

The 1000 cities ranking is a project of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), one of the centres in the PRBB. It’s aim is to estimate the impact of air quality, noise, temperature and proximity to green spaces on the health of people living in Europe's largest cities. Learn
