NbS Policy Screening and Analysis of Needs and Gaps for 2024-2030
This report aims at providing an overview of the sustainability policy landscape as well as mapping policy needs and gaps in relation to the deployment of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the EU. The NetworkNature platform brings together the NbS community of innovators, practitioners and developers
Addressing climate change in cities: Policy instruments to promote urban nature-based solutions
This guidance document responds to gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. Each instrument is briefly described
Why is Nature Restoration Critical for River Connectivity?
The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other
CONEXUS key learning factsheet series - Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for valuing NbS in CONEXUS pilot projects
This factsheet summarizes the results of a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) undertaken to evaluate the Social Return on Investment (SRI) through the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of three CONEXUS pilot projects: the Urban Allotment Network (Barcelona, Spain), Francia Street
People with Nature: Busting 24 Myths to Reverse Biodiversity Loss and Drive Transformative Change through Nature-based Solutions.
As climate change and biodiversity loss intensify, the persistence of certain myths can hinder the transformative change needed to build more sustainable societies. Preconceived ideas rooted in outdated practices or incomplete truths can slow down this change by hampering awareness and obstructing
- Paper
Nature-based solutions coupled with advanced technologies: An opportunity for decentralized water reuse in cities
Decentralized water reuse in cities is a prominent alternative to mainstream top-down models for urban water treatment, which are based on centralized, linear dynamics of resource management. In this sense, Nature-based Solutions (“green” technologies) coupled with advanced technologies (“grey”
ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai"
A 2021. októberében megrendezett Miniszterelnökség által szervezett "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai, előadók között többek között: Magyar Urbanisztikai Társaság, Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, Balatonfelvidéki Nemzeti Park
What socio-demographic characteristics of university students in Southern Germany predict their urban nature connectedness?
Promoting mental health addresses a global societal challenge. Nature connectedness, or relatedness to natural systems, is associated with increased well-being and mental health. This cross- sectional online study addressed this issue by identifying socio-demographic predictors of urban nature
Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data
Collectively designed standard protocol for coding CES from crowdsourced data. It includes the following files and a video tutorial to facilitate its implementation by other researchers: - Protocol.doc: a document with the general instructions on the procedure for coding; - Annex 1. CES coding.
T2.3a Report: Academic paper on NBT within future planning and management of cities
The report presents the development of Nature Based Thinking (NBT) with an emphasis of future planning within cities through a reflective process that was led by SLU, UdL, USFD and TUM in Task 2.3 and resulted in the joint writing of a paper entitled: “Supporting Nature-based Solutions via Nature
- Infographic
Ten research findings about Nature-Based Enterprises
The first results from the Connecting Nature research survey of nature-based enterprises!
The BUFFER project - how research allowed classifying Marine Protected Areas for better clarity in the sustainable use of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity
The BUFFER project has been awarded the second edition of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact, highlighting its excellent achievements in terms of advancing science and practice of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The project was funded under the 2011-12 BiodivERsA joint call on “
NetworkNature Factsheet 3: Shifting the water paradigm - managing water through nature
This Factsheet explores common water-related challenges, such as water availability, quality, and management, their associated risks, and relevant policies, while proposing nature-based solutions as a paradigm shift. By outlining key benefits of using nature for an integrated and ecosystem-based
Comprehensive Framework for NbS Assessment
A product of Workpackage 4 of the EU-H2020 project PHUSICOS is a comprehensive framework to verify the performances of NBSs in risk management processes from both technical and socio-economic points of view. The comprehensive framework assesses the beneficial role of NBSs in ecosystem services,
Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027
The new technical guidance on climate-proofing of infrastructure projects has been developed by the Commission in close cooperation with potential implementing partners for InvestEU along with the EIB Group. It is primarily intended for project promoters and experts involved in the preparation
The social-ecological system in the study of Poznań’s integrated geography
The article presents the contribution of the Department of Integrated Geography of the Adam Mickiewicz University in the development of methodological framework and practical applications within the concept of the social-ecological system. The ongoing work focuses on several research fields. They
- Guidance
ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöldinfrastruktúra-hálózat fejlesztés
A Földművelésügyi Minisztérium megbízásából készült 2 kötetes, részletes összefoglaló a zöldinfrastruktúráról. A szöveg rámutat, hogy a zöldinfrastruktúra fogalma nem egységes, intézményenként, szabályozó szervenként, országonként eltér. Az anyag tematikusan részletezi a vonatkozó nemzetközi és
CONEXUS Policy Brief 7 - Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Planning Instruments
The Regional Government of Santiago (RGS) aims to incorporate ecological planning criteria into its planning instruments and strategies, fostering a more resilient and equitable city-region. This policy brief outlines the city’s learning-by-doing approach, presenting three pilot projects of Nature-
Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Rural Landscapes: Barriers Experienced in the PHUSICOS Project
Article published in Sustainability. From the published abstract: Nature-based solutions (NbS) are becoming increasingly important in both the EU and individual countries’ political agendas, as a sustainable means to reduce the risk posed by hydrometeorological hazards. However, as the use of NbS
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