Event posted by jagger

Thursday, 15 February 2024 - 16:00 to 17:30 (Europe/Brussels) (Europe/Brussels)
Join us on 15 February 2024, as part of the CITIES TALK NATURE: Business Insights series, as we hear companies discuss their experiences of standards and certification in nature-based solutions markets in Norway. In particular, we’ll be learning about standards and certification for urban trees, as well as for property developments that are nature and climate friendly.
In this webinar, we will answer the following questions:
- What role do norms, standards and/or certifications play in the public procurement of nature-based solutions projects?
- What role do norms, standards and/or certifications play in the design of biodiversity and ecosystem services of nature-based solutions projects?
- What role do EU sustainability reporting requirements play in nature-based solutions market creation in Norway?
Joining us will be:
- David Barton - Senior Research Scientist, Economics of Ecosystem Services, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA).
- Kristin Moldestad - Kristin Moldestad is a Horticulturalist and Arborist with a career spanning two decades in the arboriculture field. Kristin is a consulting Arborist at Trekontoret AS and a contributing author of the book 'Roots: A Field Guide for Identification'.
- Rune Skeie - Rune Skeie is a pioneer in nature-based urban development, holding responsibility for urban ecology and sustainability systems at the Asplan Viak Foundation. He also teaches at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
The webinar is now available to watch on YouTube here.