El Corredor Biológico Interurbano María Aguilar (CBIMA), established in 2009, is made up of five municipalities in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. With a combined population of around 400,000, CBIMA spans 39 km2 of modified and natural habitats interconnecting the watershed of the María Aguilar River and containing part of the only Key Biodiversity Area within an urban area in Costa Rica. 

Through participation in INTERLACE, CBIMA wants to build a platform for involving more groups and citizens in the planning of green public space. CBIMA will adopt achievable restoration solutions that respond to citizen needs to create a safe, clean and inclusive city.

As a long-term goal, the municipalities of CBIMA want to turn the area into the most accessible and greenest corridor in Latin America, becoming a model followed by other urban environments in the country.