The United Nations has dedicated May 22nd each year as The International Day for Biological Diversity, to increase awareness and understanding of biodiversity. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has set the theme for Biodiversity Day 2021 as “We’re part of the solution”. The theme follows from last years focus on nature-based solutions, that highlighted the role of biodiverstiy in addressing sustainable development challenges. Especially after the major shifts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, biodiversity should be the foundation for building back better. Biodiversity Day 2021 will be marked hrough an online campaign. Read the CBD announcement here.
To take part in the advocacy activites, and educate on the topic explore the WWF connect2earth toolkit here. The toolkit includes:
- The Earth Hour hero video in a biodiversity context
- Videos from Dr Peter Daszak highlighting the human activities which can give rise to pandemics
- WWF videos that showcase three different innovations to stop biological diversity loss
- A recorded video message, together with suggestions to ask your followers on their opinion on why nature matters
There is a multitude of innovative EU-funded projects advancing nature-based solutions, which NetworkNature is proud to highlight, we are not only part of the solution, but the solutions are at our doorstep! For inspiration on existing and effective solutions to foster biodiversity explore the NetworkNature case-studies and resources.
Download the editable CBD theme logo here.
Top photo: @eyoel_kahssay_photographer (instagram) via Unsplash