How we finance Nature-based Solutions is just as important than the co-creation of these solutions themselves. This is why stakeholders from the spheres of the NbS and Public Procurement communities are coming together to deliver a session to help public procurers gain more understanding on Nature-based Solutions topics.
On 06 October (11:00-12:15 CET) and as part of the GPP Helpdesk service, a webinar about Public Procurement of Nature-Based Solutions will take place. This webinar aims to provide public procurers with the necessary knowledge to inspire them to take the first step towards a journey to Green Public Procurement.
Green Public Procurement refers to using purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods, services and/or works. By making economic choices in this direction, meaningful contributions can be made towards our environmental aims. This is just scratching the surface of the potential synergies between the procurement field and the realm of nature-based solutions. To unlock the full potential of these concepts, be sure not to miss this innovative session. Here is a sneak peak of the agenda:
The third European Commission’s Helpdesk service on GPP webinar of 2022 will address the public procurement of Nature-Based Solutions:
- Welcome and Introduction from the EU GPP Helpdesk
- Ivan Azevedo de Jesus, DG Environment, European Commission
- Public Procurement of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)
- Daniela Rizzi and Philipp Tepper, ICLEI
- Learning from Public Procurement of NbS good practices:
- How to make public procurement work for greening your city
- Gitty Korsuize, City of Utrecht, Netherlands
- Adjusting tender requirements to match suppliers’ capabilities
- Malgorzata Bartyna-Zielińska, Wroclaw, Poland
- Torino - Public Procurement in Italy
- How to make public procurement work for greening your city