Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities

The ‘Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities’ is a collection of virtual collaboration methods tested and evaluated in the INTERLACE project. It can be a particular challenge to build collaboration and trust between cities merely online, but the available methods and tools were able to replace the physical meetings to a large extent. This is good news for future projects and cooperation processes that will rely more heavily on virtual exchange mitigating CO2 emissions from traveling. The Cookbook is however more than just another list of methods and tools, as it is specifically tailored to the needs of cities and public authorities that want to build networks on nature-based solutions (NbS) and ecosystem restoration. It looks at city-to-city exchange processes in larger groups as well as in city pairs. The findings from these regular meetings in different group sizes show a clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages of each individual format and inspires replicators in their decision of how to organize the exchange between cities. It guides the reader through specific interactive exchange formats, describing how to plan, prepare and implement them. Examples from real life applications are included.