Nature-based solutions projects can create more liveable, greener and biodiverse communities and facilitate knowledge transfer. To make these initiatives a reality, funding and resource mobilisation is key. In connection with this reality, NetworkNature EU has identified three diverse upcoming opportunities for funding relevant to the nature-based solutions community.
Answer the second call for transnational cooperation and create a smarter, greener Europe beyond borders (Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE)
We invite those meeting criteria to answer the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE call inviting organisations from across central Europe to submit ideas for transnational cooperation. The budget in question comes in at around 60 million Euros. Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is looking for proposals with a partnership size of 5-12 organizations and from projects of up to 30 months in length. The budget of the project should be somewhere between 1.2 and 1.9 million Euros. For more guidance contact your national contact point.
This call draws particularly on priority 2 of Interreg’s CENTRAL Europe’s 4 priorities, namely, cooperating for a greener central Europe, of great relevance to the nature-based solutions community. Want to know if you are a good fit for co-financing? Assess how your ideas and priorities fit with the criteria at hand using this test.
Do you want to learn more about the application process? Find out more here. Call opens 22 March!
Answer the call for experts on coastal resilience and NbS through community empowerment (Eklipse, EmpowerUS)
Eklipse has opened a call to gather different areas of expertise to join an Expert Working group contributing to policy-relevant knowledge on the topic, “Building resilient coastal communities through nature-based solutions (NbS) and other empowerment tools”. This request was initially identified through EmpowerUs, whom are working with socioeconomic empowerment of coastal communities.
Participate by filling out the application before 10 April 2023. A letter of support from your organisation is highly encouraged.
Answer the call to experts for the empowerment of coastal communities.
Answer the call for proposals on ‘Biodiversity Climate Nexus Fund’ (European Parliament Pilot Project)
Proposals are currently in demand for projects to provide insight in current offsetting and climate certification schemes, including, but not limited to certified carbon removals and how benefits from such systems can increase biodiversity and restoration.
The call runs through 30 June 2023 and will award 250,000 Euros to one selected project to demonstrate how their project will help identify best practices and good quality certification schemes to avoid negative impacts on biodiversity and increase co-benefits. Such an overview will help inform investors and mobilise and contribute towards future successful investment and implementation of nature-based solutions.
For more information read the call.