UNEP has opened a call for best practices on investment in nature-based solutions, under their State of Finance for Nature initiative.
Contribute to shaping the financing landscape for nature-based solutions, by submitting best practices, to help demonstrate how investing in nature-based solutions can address both the environmental- and societal crisis humanity faces, in addition to bolstering the economy. Investment in nature-based solutions should be interpreted in a broader sense as capital flows that contribute positively to climate change mitigation, restoration and/or biodiversity conservation. The Open Call seeks to highlight replicable investment models.
'The State of Finance for Nature : Towards a framework to track financing for Nature Based Solutions is a collaborative initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative hosted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA) hosted at the World Economic Forum. The Report set to be released in 2021 will provide information about the degree of existing public and private finance that is directed to activities/assets that can be considered nature-based solutions. It will feature practical cases as a means to stimulate replication.'
More information about the call here and submit your proposal with this form.
Content for inclusion in the “State of Finance for Nature” report as submissions come in.