The report summarising the key outcomes of the NetworkNature Annual Event 2023 “Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions”, which took place on 8th June 2023, at the Flagey Building in Brussels, is now out. The event brought together more than 150 participants to discuss the transformative nature of nature-based solutions (NbS). It focused on the transformative nature of NbS, and on how NbS benefits reach across sectors and communities with their transformative potential. The discussions revolved around the transformations needed in policy, in the economic and financing sectors, and in science and practice to mainstream NbS. NetworkNature products and EU-funded NbS projects were also presented during the event, as well as two important documents: the EIB report on financing nature-based solutions, and the NetworkNature Nature-based Solutions R&I Roadmap.
Consult the report here: https://networknature.eu/product/30148