Inclusion of Vulnerable Communities in the Planning and Implementation of NBS
In the fourth CTN webinar ¨Inclusion of Vulnerable Communities in the Planning and Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions”, held on April 28, two capital cities from Latin America: Quito, Ecuador and La Paz, Bolivia; shared their experiences from the point of view of an organized civil society (Yes Innovation) and from the Municipal Government (Municipal Government of La Paz).
Nicolás Salmón,Yes Innovation’s CEO, spoke about the project implemented in San Enrique de Velasco and how the population has been involved in the different stages of it. On the other hand, Marcelo Lorberg, pointed out that community participation has been fundamental for the ecological restoration of La Mallasa landfill.
The above experiences show that Nature-Based Solutions are multifaceted and are present in different sectors.
· Nicolás Salmón (YES Innovation): Inclusive urban planning processes with Nature-based Solutions
· Marcelo Lorberg (City of La Paz): Environmental policy – Towards municipal decarbonization