The NetworkNature Nordic hub launch is fast approaching. On 13 October, the Nordic hub will bring together organisations, associations, companies, researchers, professionals and others who work with nature-based solutions in the Nordic region.The purpose of this and other nature-based solutions hubs is to ensure the spread of nature-based solutions throughout Europe by creating networks to spread effective solutions and establish new approaches.
Hub activities can range in focus from sectoral action, policy mainstreaming, awareness raising, partnership development and/or implementation of solutions. Networks between municipalities in different geographic regions (urban and rural) create knowledge sharing between a diverse range of stakeholders from different disciplines and backgrounds.
In recent months, a working group administered by the Nordic Council of Ministers' programme Nature-based solutions in the Nordic region has been in the process of establishing the NetworkNature Nordic hub. The Nordic launch will serve to solidify ties between local, regional and national levels. At the launch, stakeholders will present their ideas on nature-based solutions in the Nordics in an interactive format known as Pecha Kucha presentations, (a way of storytelling format where speakers show 20 slides with 20 seconds for commentary), which will foster knowledge sharing.
Be sure to stay tuned about the outcomes of this interactive meeting and see how new approaches can be created and spread through these types of networks.
Learn more about the Nordic hub launch.
More info on the Nordic hub.