• Web platform

CLEVER Cities Guidance

CLEVER Cities Guidance: a platform to explore insights, tools, indicators and lessons learned about nature-based solutions (NbS) for sustainable urban regeneration. We provide evidence-based approaches, innovative case studies and lessons learned on policy, co-creation, and social impact.


  • Video

GrowGreen visit to Campinas: how linear parks can make a difference for people, nature and the economy

In order to strengthen engagement from political decision-makers and to create opportunities for the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), the political representatives of the GrowGreen cities were invited to participate in a virtual visit to the city of Campinas, Brazil. With more than 1


Person in hat facing camera with the backs of other people behind them
  • Document

Stakeholder Engagement Guide - Nature Based Solutions in Cities

What is this guide? Guidance and a set of tools to establish a strong and consistent foundation for outreach and engagement when undertaking City projects in Nature Based Solutions, Regeneration, Housing etc. Who is it for? Any City Official carrying out a natural or built environment project that


  • Guidance

Anti-Corruption Guide for Payment for Ecosystem Services

Sustainable livelihood projects can create significant opportunities for illicit private gains, along with the power and enabling conditions to pursue those gains. In other words, these projects are subject to corruption risks that may partially or completely sabotage the project or, in the worse


  • Event

Green4C Hackathons

In a world that is increasingly urbanized and threatened by the climate crisis, people are more stressed and disconnected from nature. According to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, “we need nature in our lives” to improve our psycho-physical health and that of the Planet. Indeed, there is a


  • Video

Forêt de Capet case study

Presentación del estudio de caso PHUSICOS : Forêt de Capet / Présentation de l'étude de cas PHUSICOS : Forêt de Capet


  • Consultancy
  • Document
  • Guidance

Sistema de monitoreo de la biodiversidad y los servicios de los ecosistemas en el cantón de Curridabat

Acomienzos del 2015, el cantón de Curridabat desarrollo su visión o modelo de desarrollo denominado Ciudad Dulce, que a la vez se constituyo en la base del Plan de Gobierno Multidimensional. Impulsado por el municipio local busca beneficiar 75.000 habitantes residentes a través de la creación y


  • Policy Brief

Design Brief 2- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Wildlife-friendly Areas, Conservation Sites, the Public Realm

This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for


  • Document

Conexus key learning factsheet series - The Nature Future Workshops

The Nature Futures Workshops (NFW) were an opportunity to think as creatively as possible about the desired futures for nature in our Conexus’ cities in 2050. This factsheet presents an overview of the methods used to explore these futures. Discussions in the workshops generated a series of present


  • Document

State of the art, good practices and NBS typology

This report presents a series of developments, trends and case studies that exemplify the growing importance that Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), as well as other closely related concepts, are having in thinking and practice around reconciling urban planning, human well- being and sustainability,


Black and white moth on plant stems
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Taking real steps in virtual nature: a randomized blinded trial

Studies show that green exercise (i.e., physical activity in the presence of nature) can provide benefits of both physical exercise and nature exposure. The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which virtual green exercise may extend these benefits to people that are unable to engage in


  • Training

Nature in the city: turning knowledge into urban forestry practice

Are you passionate about forestry, sustainability, and urban design? Would you like to learn how to promote the green transition of cities? This online course provided by Uforest is the right opportunity for you! Urbanisation and climate change are two of the most difficult challenges our


  • Dataset
  • Guidance

Repository of NbS guidance material

The NbS Guidance Repository is a collection of guides, handbooks, manuals, toolboxes, and other guidance materials. These resources are specifically designed to facilitate knowledge brokering and capacity-building on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for a diverse group of non-academic actors. The


  • Document

GrowGreen Thematic Factsheets

The GrowGreen Partners made a collaborative effort for creating a list of factsheets, in order to summarise the results of the various projects. The factsheets are organised by thematic area, that are biodiversity, economic impacts, heat stress, social benefits, water runoff, and water quality.


  • Video

Science at ISGlobal

The 1000 cities ranking is a project of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), one of the centres in the PRBB. It’s aim is to estimate the impact of air quality, noise, temperature and proximity to green spaces on the health of people living in Europe's largest cities. Learn


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NetworkNature Knowledge Brief

The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an analysis conducted by NetworkNature of a large number of publications, online consultations and dialogues with stakeholders. To reflect the potential of NbS from an environmental, economic and societal perspective, this


  • Document
  • Paper
  • Report
  • Slides

Barriers and Enablers for Scaling NbS to the Landscape Level [Socio-Ecological Resilience: ‘Weaving’ to scale Nature-based Solutions (Master Thesis)]

Thus far, little research has been conducted on barriers and enablers for scaling NbS to the landscape level. In collaboration with the Bioregional Weaving Labs collective (aiming to restore, protect, and regenerate at least one million hectares of Europe’s land and sea by 2030), a student research


  • Paper

Innovation in NbS Co-Desing and Implementation

Article published in Sustainability. From the published abstract: Impacts in the form of innovation and commercialization are essential components of publicly funded research projects. PHUSCOS ("According to Nature" in Greek), an EU Horizon 2020 Program (H2020) Innovation Action project


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Product

GrowGreen NbS Co-design Guide

The “GrowGreen NbS co-design Guide”, made by Bipolaire, could be materialised as a tool that guides the NbS co-design process through questions. It is structured similarly as the GCF (Green Cities Framework), based on three main pillars: Planning, Mobilising, and Evaluating. Municipalities that


Woman wearing mittens and hat stood in a birch tree looking out
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Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context

The COVID-19 outbreak led to major restrictions globally, affecting people’s psychosocial health and their health behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this scoping review was to summarize the available research regarding nature and health in the COVID-19 context. Overall, the findings indicate that
