• Guidance

Financing and Business Models Guidebook

This guidebook introduces the topic of financing and business models for nature-based solutions, identifies some common challenges and enablers to financing and presents a step-by-step guide to securing financing.


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Vegetation for urban green air quality plans

Are you aware of the benefits that urban vegetation can produce to lowering temperature and improving air quality? Do you remember how you missed being in contact with nature during the lockdown? The book presents how the Life VEG-GAP project consortium have deepened the links between vegetation


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Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Effective A Framework for Defining Qualification Criteria and Quality Standards

Many organizations, including members of the Friends of EbA network (FEBA) 11 have gained both conceptual and practical experience in designing and implementing EbA measures in various regions, ecosystems, and levels of governance. These experiences provide a rich source of lessons and are a good


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ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöld(-kék) infrastruktúra workshop önkormányzatok részére című esemény előadásai (2023.11.14.)

Magyarország Miniszterelnökségének Közlekedési, Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Fejlesztési Programok Végrehajtásáért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkársága 2023. november 14-én szakmai szemléletformáló rendezvényt szervezett ”Zöld-(kék) infrastruktúra (ZI) workshop Önkormányzatok részére” címmel.


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ÁLTALÁNOS: TeAM HUb online Műhelytalálkozók szakmai anyagai

A TeAM HUb egy hiánypótló szakmai közösség, melynek célja a kormányzati, önkormányzati, szakmai és civil szereplők közötti párbeszéd és együttműködés ösztönzése a természetalapú megoldások széleskörű gyakorlati alkalmazása érdekében. E cél elérése érdekében 2023-ban online eseménysorozatot indult,


  • Report

Standardization in urban climate adaptation

The RESIN project has developed standardised approaches to help cities develop their adaptation strategies and strengthen their resilience. Key products are:  A tool for impact and vulnerability analysis (IVAVIA1);  a decision support tool (E-Guide);  a library of adaptation options;


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NetworkNature Factsheet 4 - Financing nature-based solutions in cities: Exploring opportunities from municipal funding

This factsheet explores how implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in cities can be a more financially viable alternative to conventional approaches. By outlining inspiring NbS case studies, this facthseet lists possible options for municpalities to fund NbS in order to address societal


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  • Guidance

The World Cities Report 2020: The Value of Sustainable Urbanisation

The World Cities Report 2020 shows that the intrinsic value of sustainable urbanisation can and should be harnessed for the wellbeing of all. The Report provides evidence and policy analysis of the value of urbanisation from an economic, social and environmental perspective, including the


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ÁLTALÁNOS: Ember- és természetközpontú településfejlesztés - URBACT Konferencia és Workshop

2024. április 17-én került sor az Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium, a Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, valamint a TeAM HUb-ot alapító és koordináló BURST Nonprofit Kft. társzervezésében az Új Európai Bauhaus Fesztivál magyarországi kísérőrendezvényére Budapesten. A rendezvényen kiemelt


  • Product

Why is Nature Restoration Critical for the Resilience of European Cities?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


  • Guidance

Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change

The Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change provides orientation on how risks in the context of climate change can be comprehensively and systemically addressed through risk assessment. Decision-making, planning, and integrating


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Conexus Life-Lab factsheet series - Towards a green infrastructure system for Santiago de Chile

The pilot Santiago+ Green infrastructure (Stgo+) Plan started in 2018 led by the University of Chile, the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Housing and other strategic partners. Through a broad participatory process, a plan is created which synthesizes ideas and initiatives into a vision to


  • Report

Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment

Multi-stakeholder participation is an overarching issue of PHUSICOS and, as such, forms a foundation to foster innovation at all levels and at all case study sites. Workpackage 3 is dedicated to employ a Living Lab approach as key mechanism of local stakeholder involvement for the purpose of


Two adults on a large swing with snow and tress in the background
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Seedbed Intervention: Umeå

The Cultivating City of Umeå carried out its seedbed intervention. Bölevägen is the name of the street that will be reconstructed over the next two years, along four green spaces that will be designed and developed. The seedbed intervention site, Aspgärdan, was an empty area close to an English


  • Report

Science-based ecosystem restoration for the 2020s and beyond: Science Task Force for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

To move the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration forward, the Science Task Force of the Decade presents this think piece, which addresses four fundamental questions, presents five key messages to bring effective and long-term action, and provides recommendations on how


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  • Training

Viridian modelling of nature-based solutions

We use sophisticated modelling to identify, rank and prioritise Nature-based Solutions to multiple problems such as flooding, water resource supply, river pollution, soil loss, poor farm management and biodiversity loss. Our engaging communications show best bang for buck actions, with many


  • Training

Greenopolis: Educational platform about sustainable urban development, climate challenges and NbS

A learning platform about healthy and liveable cities. Your nature guide, e-Boti, introduces you to urban development, climate challenges, and nature-based solutions.


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Conexus Deliverable 4.3: Ecosystem of guidelines and decision-support tools to stimulate NbS co-creation

The CONEXUS project has meticulously curated this Ecosystem of Guidelines to effectively disseminate the rich insights and practical knowledge gained through the comprehensive and action-oriented work on nature-based solutions across Latin America and Europe. This collection of guiding resources is


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The Biohut

The Biohut is an artificial fish nursery meant to equip port infrastructures such as docks, pontoons or dikes. By providing food and shelter to the young fish, it restores the ecological nursery function that was lost when natural shallow coastal water were turned into urban environment. The


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  • Guidance

FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure

The FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure provides new tools to strengthen incentives for the protection of ecosystem services: - Impact verification: The procedure provides a global approach that FSC certificate holders can use to demonstrate the impact of their forest management activities on
