Following a busy and promising Biodiversity COP 15 and the adoption of the Monitoring Framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity, an ad hoc technical expert group is to be established for the Convention on Biological Diversity. To this end, a call for experts is now out to search for ideal candidates to advise on the further operationalisation of the monitoring framework. The terms of reference for the expert group are contained in annex II of (decision 15/5) .
The selection process will take geographical representation into account including:
- Indigenous peoples and local communities
- Women
- Island inhabitants
- Youth representation
and will consider gender balance and special conditions of developing countries and vulnerable ecosystems. Parties may also wish to nominate multiple experts, which can also be possible if meeting these criteria of expertise and representation.
Nominations should be submitted through an official letter and addressed to the CBD Executive Secretary, scanned as attachment to secretariat@cbd.int no later than 24 February. Please ensure to submit full contact details, such as name of nominee, curriculum vitae clearly demonstrating area of expertise.
For more comprehensive information on submission, please refer to the guidelines outlined here.
See the original call for experts.