NetworkNature created a database gathering European R&I projects on NbS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes: BiodivERsA, Horizon 2020, Seventh framework programme (FP7), Interreg and LIFE (EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action) over the years 2011–2021.
Beginning with more than 60.000 projects, the resulting database of NbS projects is composed of 262 projects with 101 projects from H2020 and FP7, 35 NbS projects from BiodivERsA, 87 NbS projects from Interreg and 39 NbS projects from LIFE Climate Change Adaptation stream. The database was used to perform a mapping of EU R&I projects on NbS, in terms of types of NbS, societal challenges addressed, environments, approaches studied. This mapping allowed setting the scene of what R&I has been supported so far at European level on NbS. View the key results from analysing this database of EU R&I projects on NbS. It will support the development of the European roadmap to 2030 for R&I on NbS.
Learn more and explore the database here.