Danube Wetlands and Floodplains Restoration through systematic, community engaged and sustainable innovative actions (DaWetRest) aims to develop and demonstrate concrete solutions applied on the Danube basin, to address the challenges faced by its inland and coastal wetland ecosystems. Through three demonstrators, these transformative and innovative solutions will be validated by local communities, stakeholders and ‘associated regions’, resulting in recommendations and new actions needed to improve the Danube wetlands, floodplains, coastal wetlands, and salt marshes.
DaWetRest is inviting Associated Regions to actively participate in the project. It is seeking to collaborate with 6 progressive Associated Regions ranging the 4 referential basins (Danube-Black Sea, Atlantic-Arctic, Baltic-North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea) that align with DaWetRest’s dedication to wetlands restoration and innovative approaches. Associated Regions are envisioned as strategic partners, contributing to the integration of DaWetRest solutions within their territories, thereby catalysing the revitalisation of freshwater ecosystems. These regions will collaborate with the project to demonstrate the feasibility, replicability, and scale-up potential of innovative solutions for wetlands ecosystems restoration and conservation.
Who can apply? Local and regional authorities
What do they expect? Commitment to wetland conservation, innovation, and collaboration. Active contribution to a replication roadmap.
What do you gain? Network of experts. Knowledge sharing, support in crafting a roadmap. Grant of up to €75 000. Possibility to contribute to the EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters’.
Application window: 01.01.2024 – 30.04.2024
To learn more about how your region can become part of the DaWetRest project, join the upcoming webinar:
Date: 15. February 2024
Time: 1:30 PM -2:30 PM CET / 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM EST
As an Associated Region your knowledge and actions will be critical in demonstrating the replicability of our innovative solutions. In return, you will benefit from a grant of up to 75 000 €, having the opportunity to strengthen your approaches regarding wetlands preservation and restoration, learning more about building roadmaps, using tools and methods to assess ecosystems services, and organising living labs on several topics of your interest.
This webinar, hosted by the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, is intended to collectively answer open questions on the call, the application and selection process, as well as DaWetRest project activities.
The webinar takes place online. Please register under this link (DaWetRest Open Call for Associated Regions Info-Session (eveeno.com)) and you will receive the meeting-invitation.
For detailed information about DaWetRest visit https://dawetrest.eu/associated-regions/ or contact associatedregions@dawetrest.eu.