Scale of the project: object (building, etc.)
Ecological restoration by immersing diverse artificial reefs to provide shelters and habitats to marine species. The aim of the project is to diversify and regenerate marine natural resources in order to both make local fishing durable and ecological restoration.
- Protect and provide long term benefits related to biodiversity and then to all the economical activities (fishery, tourism) linked in.
Immersion of diverse artificial reefs to provide habitats to aquatic species
- Better protection and restoration of coastal ecosystems
- Developing climate change mitigation
- Carbon sequestration and storage
- Increase achievements of biodiversity targets
- Increase Biodiversity
- Sustainable development of coastal regions
Process enablers:
Knowledge drivers → ... → ...
Governance → ... → ...
Process inhibitors:
… → ... → ...
Expected time for the NbS to become fully effective after its implementation: large (beyond 5 years)
Feedback: still well adapted
Expected life time of the intervention: more than 30 years
Date for project delivered: 2037, 2007 or 2017 (????)
Global (estimated) cost of the project: more than 5M€
Financing mechanism: cluster1 public financing
Business cluster: Social
Business model: Adopt a stewardship role
Business cluster: Technological
Business model: Maximize material productivity and energy efficiency
The aim of this project is to protect and provide long term benefits related to biodiversity and then to all the economical activities (fishery, tourism) linked in.
- Objects Shapes
- Water
Alice Duquesnoy (alice.duquesnoy-mitjavila@plante-et-cite.fr)
Olivier Damas
Plante & Cité (https://www.plante-et-cite.fr/)
Maison du Végétal, 26 Rue Jean Dixmeras, 49000, Angers
Further information
Nature4Cities (https://www.nature4cities.eu/) aims to develop a knowledge diffusion around Nature-Based Solution (NbS) and a decision support platform through new collaborative models.
This project is part of the Nature4Cities's pioneer case studies database, it will feed the observatory, NbS pre-selection and replication tools, gathered into the Geocluster4NBS.
This project was chosen as a pioneer case study for the following reasons: the project creates marine ecological habitats.
Nature4Cities project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 730468.