Are you part of an initiative trying to create a more sustainable urban food system? Or do you know such an initiative that deserves international recognition? This could be an urban gardening project, a community kitchen, an urban beehive, or anything else that uses food to help make our cities more socially + environmentally resilient. Then you should take the opportunity to apply for the EdiCitiNet awards.
The EdiCitNet awards aim to recognise, inspire, and platform innovative urban food initiatives with a demonstrated social impact, and if you answered yes to the above then we are looking for you to apply! The awards are open to any individual, group or organization working with urban food innovation. Candidates can apply directly or be nominated by somebody else. This is a great opportunity for those working on NbS initiatives that have an overlap with urban food systems, gardens and/or urban beekeeping to receive additional recognition for their efforts.
Award winners will receive a travel grant of up to 2000 Euro to enable participation at either the EdiCitNet Awards Ceremony + Conference in Barcelona from the 15 - 17 March 2023, or a visit to one of the EdiCitNet Living Labs - as well as promotion via the EdiCitNet website, social media and communication channels.
The deadline to apply is midnight (central European time) on the 10th November, and applicants can apply here.
More info about the awards is available here.
In case of questions, please email edicitnet-awards@eurtd.com.