To support local action and explore the different values that people place upon biodiversity in rural and urban areas the European project SHARED GREEN DEAL is offering local partners €22 000 to become local partners.
Locally, the approach taken should center on the formation of Study Circles (a non-formal community learning approach) to engage groups of adults in the local community. This will support the local partner with an adult education programme focused on reinforcing existing values or change in values regarding biodiversity through a series of meetings.
Local authorities and not-for-profit organisations have the opportunity to apply for €22 000 to become local partners of the European project SHARED GREEN DEAL on the topic of biodiversity. A total of 24 organisations are awarded funding across six streams, with 4 local partners funded on Preserving Biodiversity.
SHARED GREEN DEAL, a project benefiting from expertise in Humanities and Social Science, will provide financial support of up to €22 000 to run each local social experiment for one year from spring/summer 2023. In addition to funding, an additional training event with SHARED GREEN DEAL partners in Rotterdam, and a study visit to another local partner, is covered by the project.
The experiments have specific objectives according to each of the six streams covered and the deadline to apply is January 31.
Learn more about specific call for partners on the Preserving Biodiversity Call Page or investigate the other topics partners are sought for,(Clean Energy, Sustainable Food, Efficient Renovations, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Mobility) on the Shared Green Deal website: https://sharedgreendeal.eu/local-expt-call. You can also take the first step in the process by confirming your interest here.
The opportunity is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.