SUPERB to promote forest restoration and adaptation across Europe

Michael Benz, Unsplash
21 December 2021

In Europe, almost one-third of the landscape is covered by cities, villages, agriculture and forests. There are lots of different types of trees, bur also  damaged forest areas due to human activities and climate change consequences. At the European level a series of political commitments are already in place, such as the European Green Deal, the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Forest Strategy.

The European Forest Institute (EFI) recently has launched the 'Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services' (SUPERB). This is a four-year project, conducted by a consortium of 36 science and practice partners from all over Europe - lead by European Forest Institute. The project aims to restore the european forest landscape by creating an enabling environment for implementation of forest restoration and adaptation at different scale.

SUPERB will build on already present practical knowledge and lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful forest restoration and adaptation activities and synthesize them for action. This practical knowledge will be supported by a collection of highly relevant scientific knowledge, including economic, governance, forest management and climate change adaptation aspects of restoration. Concrete restoration actions will be carried out in 12 large-scale demonstration areas, located in 13 different countries. The demonstration areas will represent the diversity of stressors on European forests and the wide range of necessary restoration actions, also taking into account people's needs for ecosystem services.

More information are available here.