NetworkNature joins multiple Horizon projects at COP16

EU Blue Zone Promotional Card
27 September 2024

NetworkNature is going to CoP16! Local and subnational government leaders from around the world, together with their key stakeholders, are invited to participate in targeted and high-level dialogues on implementation progress and the important issue of leveraging financing for, and investment in, biodiversity and nature at the local and territorial scale.

Will we see you there? Connect with us and other Horizon #naturebasedsolutions projects at one of the following sessions.

  • October 21st, 15:30 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone): "Advancing Nature-based Solutions with Strategic Multilevel Governance"
    Organised by the EU project NetworkNature, EN/ES translation, stream
  • October 23rd, 15:30 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone): "Bridging Global Perspectives on Transformative Change towards a Nature-Positive Economy"
    Led by the EC NbS Task Force 3, EN/ES translation, stream
  • October 25th, 10-11:00 (Universidad ECCI, 4th floor Salón Mulitpropósito, Green Zone): "Platforms for cooperation between Europe and Latin America for biodiversity and people". Organised by Humboldt Institute, Oppla, INTERLACE.
  • October 25th, 14:00 (Green Zone) “Love Letters to Nature”
    Organised by TNOC, EU project NetworkNature, Latin american Landscape Initiative (LALI)
  • October 25th, 15:30 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone): “The Role of Science-Policy Interfaces in Supporting the Implementation and Monitoring of the KM-GBF
    Organised by CO-OP4CBD, RESPIN, Biodiversa+ and BioAgora
  • October 26th, 8:00-13:00 (Casa Humboldt): ‘Forum-Workshop: Navigating and co-creating cities between rivers and wetlands’
  • Organised by Humboldt Institute, WWF, TNC, Colectivo entre-ríos, Colectivo dinamizadores ambientales de Cali and n.a.d.a., INTERLACE

  • October 26th, 09:30-13:00 (Casa Humboldt, Centro Cultural Comfandi - Biblioteca Infantil, auditorio Ariari, Green Zone): "Minecraft for Biodiverse Cities: engaging communities to design nature-based solutions". 
  • Organised by Humboldt Institute, Oppla, INTERLACE.

  • October 26th, 9:45 (Green Zone, Universidad ECCI): "Bridging Economy and Biodiversity: Collaborative Approaches to a Nature-Positive Future"
    Organised by the EU project GoNaturePositive! 
  • October 26th, 14:30 (Green Zone): "Co-creating a Nature-Positive Economy: from Theory to Practice"
    Hosted by the EU project GoNaturePositive! 
  • October 26th, 17-18:00 (Casa Humboldt, Centro Cultural Comfandi - Auditorio Bita, Green Zone): "Naturaleza Transformativa launch event and reception". 
  • Organised by Humboldt Institute, Oppla, INTERLACE.

  • October 26th, 17:30 (Blue Zone), Launch of the Berlin Urban Nature Pact at the 8th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities
  • October 27th, 17:30 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone), “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Climate Action: The Role of Nature-based Solutions”
    Host: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Partners: Committee of the Regions (CoR), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), NetworkNature, ICLEI Europe
  • October 28th, 12:00 (Banco de Bogotá,Auditorio Principal, Green Zone): "Unlocking private finance to enable a just transition towards a regenerative economy? Impact investing in NbS for Adaptation as entry point
    Organised by the EU project  NetworkNature, ALTAMIRA, and  We Are Water Foundation. With contributions from  Mutual Empathy , ITACA and CleantechHUB.
  • October 28th, 12:00 (Blue Zone, LSNG Hub at Place Quebec), “Integrando la Evaluación de Riesgos y la Cobertura de Seguros con SbN para Ciudades y Regiones”
    Organised by NATURANCE and UIIF (tbc)
  • October 30th, 10:00 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone): "Finance for a Just Transition to a Nature-Positive Economy"
    Organised by NetworkNature and UNEP WCMC 
  • October 31st, 17:30 (EU Pavilion, Blue Zone): “Science-Policy Interface Contribution to the Subjects of Biodiversity & Health and Biodiversity & Climate Change
    Organised by CO-OP4CBD, RESPIN, Biodiversa+ and BioAgora

Learn more: EU Pavillion