The EMI’s mission is to support the wild edible mushrooms sector in Europe. The EMI's origin relies on: a) the lack of data and reliable statistics, b) the lack of management (mycosilviculture) guidelines adapted to climate change, c) the lack of a governance and regulation system fitted for controlling collection and market globalization, among others.
For solving those shortcomings, the EMI will support stakeholders in the territorial transitions by means of exchanging good practices, research and innovation, in order to take advantage of the European Cooperation for a joint strategy in opportunities as myco-tourism, agri-food quality products and criteria for the sustainable management of mycological resources.
The European Mycological Institute (EMI) is an European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) registered at the European Committee of the Regions in 2016.
Currently the EMI has members from Aragón, Catalunya, Castilla y León, Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine. We also have non EU benefactor partners from Canada, China and Switzerland.
Our main areas of activity are: a) Research, innovation and development in the sectorial management, b) Sector evaluation and information, c) Training, d) Sector improvement, e) Social awareness, f)Development and promotion of regulations, and g) Provision of services.
The purpose of the EMI is to carry out and manage, under a sustainable development perspective, projects and cooperation actions related to the management and valorization of mycological resources. The EMI aims also to address the needs of mushrooms and truffles sector in Europe.
Decisions are taken by the Assembly of EMI members. Every year, the EMI Assembly approves an Action Plan and a Budget consistent with our 2017-2025 Strategic Plan.
In order to guarantee the transparency of our actions, you are welcome to consult the EMI website www.eumi.eu
Our proceeds come from the annual fees paid by our partners, from competitive projects and the provision of services.
Decisions are taken by the Assembly of EMI members. Every year, the EMI Assembly approves an Action Plan and a Budget consistent with our 2017-2025 Strategic Plan.
In order to guarantee the transparency of our actions, you are welcome to consult the EMI website www.eumi.eu
Our proceeds come from the annual fees paid by our partners, from competitive projects and the provision of services.
If you want to be an EMI member/benefactor/partner, please check in www.eumi.eu our rules of procedure, fill the application form, and send it to info@eumi.eu
We welcome members from territories with interest in their mycological production or by the degree of valorization and innovation generated from these resources (mushrooms and truffles).
We welcome territories interested in jointly developing management ideas and improving their forest mycological resources in a scenario of global change.
We welcome members committed to developing territorial cooperation and public-private innovation projects throughout the value chain, from the improvement of production to the management of mushroom collection, agri-food businesses and mycotourism.
One of the main weaknesses of the wild edible mushrooms sector in Europe is the lack of sectorial cohesion, making it difficult to reach European institutions to adapt policies according to its interests.
The EMI as European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) could contribute to enhance the influence of the mycological sector before the European Commission as a common voice. We are the only EGTC devoted to improving the sustainable management and valorization of wild edible mushrooms in Europe.
We are committed to promoting projects, events and activities with more impact, representing common interests of the European mycological sector.
Increasing the number of members and territories involved in the European Union, but also integrating partners from other non EU countries interested in sustainable management and valorization of wild edible mushrooms.
Establishing useful and convenient procedures to reach our objectives according to the stakeholders and make easier the international cooperation.
Connecting researchers and stakeholders intra and in between the EMI territories in order to enhance innovations and good practices exchanges.
Fernando Martínez-Peña, fmartinezpe@cita-aragon.es, www.cita-aragon.es
Joaquin Latorre, jlatorre@eumi.eu, www.eumi.eu
José Antonio Bonet, jantonio.bonet@ctfc.es, www.ctfc.es
Further information
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube at @europeanmico
For more information about the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, please check https://portal.cor.europa.eu/egtc/CoRActivities/Pages/emi.aspx
EMI scientific seminar in Poblet, Catalunya, Spain. (Source: Fernando Martínez-Peña)