Networknature workshop: The way towards high quality NbS and standards - What we learned so far

14 July 2022

NetworkNature highlights a timely topic in the nature-based solutions field with its semester themes, identified in consultation with the nature-based solutions community.

The current NetworkNature semester theme is about 'Nature-based solutions and Standards', covering quality aspects of nature-based solutions (NbS) planning and implementation.

On 26th July, NetworkNature is hosting an online workshop to discuss the criteria of high-quality NbS, how NbS quality is measured, reported and monitored.

The workshop will gather the NetworkNature semester theme's experts, and will provide the opportunity to learn about:

  1. The work Network Nature is doing to promote standardization processes for high-quality NbS
  2. The results of a public questionnaire that was launched to co-determining the quality and standards of NbS
  3. Case studies of high quality NbS
  4. Case studies relating to the NbS Standards
  5. IUCN Global Standards: The Mediterranean perspective

Find out more about the event here.