NetworkNature TF 4 Digest: July

2 July 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects. If you are not a task force 4 member, but would like to submit to this informal digest, please reach out to We will get back to you as soon as possible with instructions!


The next TF4 meeting will take place on July 

Project Updates

Upcoming Events



  • Innovate4Cities Conference
    The 2024 Innovate4Cities Conference is convening in September in Montreal and we’re calling you to submit an abstract and be part of the conversation! 
  • RSA Regional Studies Association 2024 Central and Eastern European Conference
    Dates: 11-13 September 2024; Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
    This event provides an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and students working in all areas related to regional policy, regional development and regional studies to come together and discuss the changing internal and external dynamics of CEE. Registration will open shortly.
  • Future Green City World Congress
    Dates: 23-26 September 2024; Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
    The Future Green City World Congress is an initiative of Royal Association Stadswerk the Netherlands and Royal Dutch Association of Landscapers and Gardeners (VHG) In Utrecht, they bring together the worlds of green and civil engineering, in cooperation with World Urban Parks (WUP) and the International Federation of Municipal Engineering (IFME). The congress connects construction, greenery, infra and water. Registration is open.
  • NetworkNature Annual event
    Dates: Sept. 24-25; Location: Brussels, Belgium
    This year’s NetworkNature Annual Event will focus on ‘Busting myths” in relation to ecosystem management. This event will revolve around myths that NbS practice, research, policy making and business are busting or that need to be busted to ensure transformative change and reverse biodiversity loss. Registration is now open.
  • NBS Education Summit
    Date: 26 September; Location: Brussels, Belgium & online
    Based on the insights from the project NBS EduWORLD, this hybrid event at the intersection of science, policy, and NBS practice will focus on the future needs for educational materials and standards, opportunities for rapid adoption of NBS education guidelines, an overview of EU legislative and policy frameworks, and foster exchange and mutual learning between all stakeholders interested in NBS education. Agenda and registration coming soon.
  • Nordic NbS conference
    Dates: 26-27 September 2024; Location: Malmö, Sweden'
    As the Nordic Council of Ministers-funded programme on nature-based solutions concludes from 2021-2024, this conference serves as a platform to showcase the results achieved through collaborative efforts across the Nordic countries. Registration is open.


  • European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns
    Dates: 1-3 October 2024: Location: Aalborg, Denmark
    This conference is an opportunity to see how Local Green Deals are making the EU Green Deal a reality across Europe. Come shape the future beyond the status quo and be part of the movement for urban transformation. NetworkNature is a partner. 

Calls for Proposals (Events)

  • Aalborg2024 - Call for Speed and Pitch Presentations
    The City of Aalborg is proud to again be the host of the European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns from 1-3 October 2024. We're excited to announce that the Call for Contributions for the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns is now open! Submissions are due 15 July 2024. 
  • Call for Abstracts: Talk or Poster
    Ponderful invites abstract submissions for presentations and posters on topics related to the conference themes(12-13 November). Talks will be 10-12 minutes in length and should be given in English. They will be pre-recorded (except for invited keynote speakers). However, there will be live question and answers at the end of each conference session. Submission deadline: 19th July 2024.

Calls for Abstracts (Publications)

  • Nothing to report. 
