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ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Természet-alapú megoldások támogatása" című műhelytalálkozó előadásai

A 2022. május 3-5. között megrendezésre kerülő műhelytalálkozó első napján bemutatásra kerültek a "Zöld és kék települési infrastruktúra támogatása" c. projekt keretében megszületett szakértői anyagok. Az esemény második napján gyakorlati példákon keresztül került bemutatásra, hogy


  • Guidance

Reflexive Monitoring Guidebook

Reflexive monitoring is an evaluation method that gives urban practitioners insight into the progress of their project in real time. It helps them evaluate day- to-day activities and to respond to them while considering the bigger picture.This is especially helpful when addressing the complex


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MEZŐGAZDASÁG: Mérgezett Föld

Az ember 11 ezer éve foglalkozik földműveléssel, és körülbelül 2 és fél ezer év mióta ekét is használ. 1950-re a világ termőföld készletének a fele termesztésre alkalmatlanná vált az egyre intenzívebb mezőgazdasági technológia miatt. 2010-ig további 30 százalékot tettünk tönkre. A világ


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ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Városi kékinfrastruktúra, városi zöldinfrastruktúra jógyakorlatok

A Szent István Egyetem Tájépítészeti és Településtervezési kara által az URBACT BINIR projekt keretén belül készített összefoglaló anyag. A zöldinfrastruktúrának nem csak az ökoszísztémára van pozitív hatása, hanem a társadalom egészségi állapotára, a település gazdasági vonzerejére, valamint az


  • Document

Voices from the NetworkNature Nature-based Solutions Hubs - A booklet of success stories

NetworkNature is working to expand the nature-based solutions (NbS) community and provide support for implementing and amplifying NbS. One way we do this is by investing in relationships and working with local partners to grow locally-based networks. This booklet, produced in collaboration with the


  • Training


In April, a children’s urban nature lab was organised in Vuores, inviting children from day care centres, preschools and primary schools to participate in the development of nature-based systems in Vuores. The children learned about the role of basins and wetlands in water purification, the plants


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  • Guidance
  • Product

GrowGreen NbS Co-design Guide

The “GrowGreen NbS co-design Guide”, made by Bipolaire, could be materialised as a tool that guides the NbS co-design process through questions. It is structured similarly as the GCF (Green Cities Framework), based on three main pillars: Planning, Mobilising, and Evaluating. Municipalities that


  • Report

Planning and implementing nature-based solutions - summary

This report is a summary of the proGIreg project's efforts in planning and implementing nature-based solutions, the summary is derived from in-depth reports linked to the end of each chapter. Explore the reports to learn more!


  • Report

Report knowledge base/action framework Low carbon | High air quality NbS potentials

As the acronym already indicates, JUSTNature introduces the normative notion of justice. An initial analysis of the scope of nature-based solutions and the role of justice suggests that issues of social and environmental justice are only considered peripherally, and that so far no dedicated


  • Document

Protocol on cultural, gender and ethics-related considerations

This guidance supports INTERLACE project partners who are implementing project activities and need to ensure inclusive, transparent and fair stakeholder participation, whose task is to establish monitoring of cultural, gender and ethical issues within the project. The document offers clear guidance


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GrowGreen visit to Campinas: how linear parks can make a difference for people, nature and the economy

In order to strengthen engagement from political decision-makers and to create opportunities for the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), the political representatives of the GrowGreen cities were invited to participate in a virtual visit to the city of Campinas, Brazil. With more than 1


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Kaunertal Valley field study - microbial assisted local seed mixtures to mitigate erosion on slopes

This video contains a visual explanation of the research work in Kaunertal Valley in the framework of the EU horizon 2020 PHUSICOS Project (PHUSICOS – ‘according to nature' solutions to reduce risks in mountain landscapes). Goal is to develop a height adapted and microbial assisted local seed


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BIODIVERZITÁS: Élőhely-kezelés

A Debreceni Egyetem átfogó munkája a természeti területekre és azok használatára, kezelésére vonatkozó tudásanyagot gyűjti össze egy nagy oktató dokumentumban. Sorba veszi a különböző típusú élőhelyeket, mint a vízi, erdő vagy gyepes területek, a tananyag foglalkozik ezen típusok jelenlegi


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MEZŐGAZDASÁG: Tudástár a természetkímélő gazdálkodás témakörében

A közzétett tudásanyagokat a Natura 2000 hálózat égisze alatt publikálta a Magyar Madártani és Természetvédő Egyesület (MME) a természetkímélő gazdálkodás témakörében. Az MME célja a madarak védelmével hozzájárulni az emberi életminőség és a biológiai sokféleség megőrzéséhez Magyarországon.


  • Paper

The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective

In this paper, they reflect on the implications for science, policy and practice of the recently introduced concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), with a focus on the European context. First, they analyse NbS in relation to similar concepts, and reflect on its relationship to sustainability as an


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  • Report

Nature-based solutions: rhetoric or reality? The potential contribution of nature-based solutions to net zero in the UK

While the UK Government’s ambitions for nature-based solutions are admirable, there is a clear and present danger that they will not be achieved, and this could undermine the target of net zero by 2050, as well as the agricultural sector, with a failed transition. The House of Lords recommends that


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  • Web platform

The Green Divide

The Green Divide is an interactive documentary about the impact of greening and redevelopment plans on neighborhoods in six cities across Europe and North America. Through texts, maps and video testimonials, the online platform provides a deeper understanding of contemporary urban dynamics from the


  • Paper

Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for


  • Document

NetworkNature & PHUSICOS Online Event Agenda: NbS private sector upscaling and capacity building

This is the agenda for the NetworkNature & PHUSICOS Online Event.


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Green4C Hackathons

In a world that is increasingly urbanized and threatened by the climate crisis, people are more stressed and disconnected from nature. According to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, “we need nature in our lives” to improve our psycho-physical health and that of the Planet. Indeed, there is a
