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NetworkNature Knowledge Brief

The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an analysis conducted by NetworkNature of a large number of publications, online consultations and dialogues with stakeholders. To reflect the potential of NbS from an environmental, economic and societal perspective, this


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Kaunertal Valley field study - microbial assisted local seed mixtures to mitigate erosion on slopes

This video contains a visual explanation of the research work in Kaunertal Valley in the framework of the EU horizon 2020 PHUSICOS Project (PHUSICOS – ‘according to nature' solutions to reduce risks in mountain landscapes). Goal is to develop a height adapted and microbial assisted local seed


  • Paper

On the need for a multi-dimensional framework to measure accessibility to urban green

With the recent expansion of urban greening interventions, the definition of spatial indicators to measure the provision of urban greenery has become pivotal in informing the policy-design process. By analyzing the stability of the population and area rankings induced by several indicators of green


Person walking on wooden pathway in a forest
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Seedbed Intervention: Lahti

The City of Lahti’s seedbed intervention took place at the Lahti health forest (pilot area).There are discussions on connecting the pilot area with the nearby Likolampi route to increase the positive impacts on health and wellbeing. The nature reserve of Kintterö is located on the western side of


  • Training

Phusicos NbS Governance Game

The newly developed PHUSICOS simulation is a serious game. It was developed as part of Work Package 6 on learning innovation and aims to simulate the complex governance setting of stakeholders. Serious games owe their name to the fact that they are designed with a purpose that goes beyond the


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 4 - Nature-based strategies to improve livability and enhance ecosystems in vulnerable areas

Many Latin American cities face similar sustainability challenges due to informal urban expansion processes in environmentally vulnerable areas, resulting in increased social and ecological vulnerabilities. This policy brief presents the experience of the Independencia Green Belt in Lima, Peru. It


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ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai"

A 2021. októberében megrendezett Miniszterelnökség által szervezett "Zöldinfrastruktúra a 2021-2027-es programozási időszakban" című esemény előadás anyagai, előadók között többek között: Magyar Urbanisztikai Társaság, Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, Balatonfelvidéki Nemzeti Park


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Integrating intersectionality into urban NbS

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) interventions are embedded in settings where socio-environmental inequalities can be reinforced over time unless intentionally tackled. This factsheet highlights key learnings from co-designing and implementing more just and inclusive NbS, spanning experiences in


  • Report

GrowGreen Report: Intervention Conclusions: Valencia

Within the EU-funded GrowGreen project, this report presents the challenges and results from the work in Valencia, focused on Benicalap, an area located in the north west of the city, chosen for the need for regeneration and investment. The aim of this report is to demonstrate how NbS can help


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Conexus Life-Lab Factsheet Series: Co-producing NbS in the “Remodelación Panamericana Norte”

The regeneration of the “Remodelación Panamericana Norte” neighborhood, facilitated by the program “Quiero Mi Barrio,” enabled the improvement of the neighborhood by bringing in Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The accompanying five-step collaborative process supported improving social security and


  • Report

Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment

Multi-stakeholder participation is an overarching issue of PHUSICOS and, as such, forms a foundation to foster innovation at all levels and at all case study sites. Workpackage 3 is dedicated to employ a Living Lab approach as key mechanism of local stakeholder involvement for the purpose of


  • Guidance
  • Report

Nature-based Solutions Learning Activities for Ages 3 and Above

This set of Learning activities is designed to help educators, instructors and trainers in Youth Centers, Youth Camps, NBS and/or STEM Camps and other forms of non-formal instruction, bring the topic of nature-based solutions (NBS) to children and youth across Europe through structured and


  • Video

UrbanByNature: a capacity-building and knowledge-sharing programme for nature-based solutions

UrbanByNature is a facilitated capacity-building programme promoting exchange among cities, researchers, SMEs and NGOs to build bridges with the Nature-Based Solutions communities across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other interested regions. The programme is powered by ICLEI - Local Governments


  • Guidance

Bridging Worlds Crafting Future-Ready NbS Curricula for Global Sustainability and Justice

This report addresses the current competency and skill gaps among Nature-based Solutions (NbS) professionals, by proposing a set of impactful experiential and inclusive curricula approaches to higher education and professional training providers in Europe and Latin America. It proposes a NbS


  • Dataset

Resource List: Criteria and Requirements for High-Quality Nature-based Solutions

This review includes a list of selected resources that discuss the criteria and the requirements of high-quality nature-based solutions (NbS). The list consists of resources that offer a comprehensive approach to NbS quality considerations and documents that focus on specific aspects of NbS quality


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CONEXUS: Skills Gaps for Naturebased Solutions uptake in Europe and Latin America

Skill gaps hindering the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are often pointed out as a challenge to larger scale NbS uptake. This factsheet presents the findings and key messages of an explorative study on skills and competence gaps among NbS professionals. Moreover, it introduces the


Three women in forest holding Vrikshasana yoga pose
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Lahti Health Forest Informational Brochure

Curious about the lay of the land at Lahti's new health forest? Then check out this new brochure which tells you what you will discover there and the many benefits of a guided experience in nature. Publication Date: 06 Sep 2023 Author(s): Suutari Taru


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Categorized database of good practice tools for the design, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of restorative NBS including 10 factsheets for 10 selected tools

A categorized database of good practice models, tools, DST, methodologies, strategies, guidelines, standards and approaches to support the development of the NBS assessment systems and providing guidance for integrated and ecologically coherent urban planning processes. Ten approaches will be


  • Paper

TELEPÜLÉSI KLÍMAADAPTÁCIÓ: Útmutató a klímaváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodáshoz

A Berlin-Budapest klímaadaptációs projekt keretén belül elkészült útmutató, amely az önkormányzatokat támogatja az ember által okozott éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodást lokálisan. A szöveg rávilágít arra, hogy helyi szinten is mennyire fontos a stratégia tervezés ahhoz, hogy egy település


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Nature-based Solutions in Latin American and European countries: Trends and perspectives

The conceptual development and practical implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) has rapidly advanced in the European Union (EU) and Latin American (CELAC) cities. A 2000-2020 literature review on NbS and related concepts shows advances, gaps, and insights, generating a valuable reference on
