Call for NbS Projects

6 April 2022

In the framework of a market assessment project conducted on behalf of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the topic of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) financing, Bankers without Boundaries is collecting information of currently existing projects at the EU level.

This project aims at identifying bankable NbS projects that will make up a project pipeline which will be put forward to the EIB as investable. Beyond the scope of this project, the EIB may look to invest in these projects in the future. The ideal development stage would be of at least 2/3 years with at least some proven financial viability (cash flow projections, receipts, business plan, expected IRR, NPV...). The investment size can ideally range from 1 to 10 million and cover all nature-based solutions fields (forestry, regenerative agriculture, blue economy).

Received projects will then be assessed for their financial and business risk viability by BwB free of charge, and will be added to the project pipeline presented to the EIB.

Please contact Bankers without Boundaries by April 15th at to apply for this project and share the information you currently dispose of (project presentation, financial documents, cash flow projections, previous grants/loans) or to ask them for further elements.