Initiating body:
Citizens or community groups / NGOs
Details about how the instrument was designed:
The idea of the Green Belt was born in 2011 within the Environmental Group for the protection of natural spaces of Terrassa (Grup per la Protecció dels Espais Naturals de Terrassa, Gpenat) during a debate at the Hiking Center of Terrassa (Centre Excursionista de Terrassa), to which the candidates of the political parties to the upcoming municipal elections were invited. The Green Belt proposal was promoted on the basis of the Declaration for the quality of the landscape and the natural and agricultural spaces of the Green Belt of Terrassa, signed on October 20th, 2012, and widely accepted by community-led organizations and citizens of Terrassa. As a result of the Declaration, an intense process of public debate was launched through the Green Belt Table, within the framework of the Municipal Environmental Council (a municipal participatory body that deals with environmental issues). During the process of public participation conveyed through the Green Belt Table, the diagnostic documents corresponding to the three functionalities of the space (ecological and natural functionality, economic functionality and social functionality and public use) were elaborated, and 121 actions were discussed, specified and validated. The Green Belt Table meets periodically once/twice a year with the possibility of creating working groups to deal with specific topics. Finally, the promotion of the Green Belt was included in the 2012-2015 Mandate Plan of the municipal government. Several urban planning actions were done by the Terrassa City Council to promote the Green Belt, such as a modification in the Municipal Urban Planning (Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal, POUM), the approval of an Advance (Avanç) of the Special Plan for the management of the Green Belt in May 2014 which specified the management objectives of the spaces of the Green Belt and the draw up of the Special Plan. The Special Plan was officially approved by the Territorial Commission of Urban Planning of the Metropolitan Arch of Barcelona of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Comissió Territorial d'Urbanisme de l'Arc Metropolità de Barcelona) in January 2020.
Targeted actors:
Public sector institution (e.g. school or hospital)
Private: household, real estate developer, business , financial
Citizens or community groups (CBOs), NGOs
Details about the implementation:
The Special Plan establishes that the Action Program of the Green Belt will specify the actions to undertake. Their development is to be based on the economic resources of the City Council of Terrassa, the different forms of financing that they can obtain, and the actions that can be agreed with other actors and public administrations. As a whole, this will determine the investment capacity and availability of resources for the management of the Green Belt. An order of priorities is established in three phases for the actions to be performed, in accordance with their urgency or need and with their sequence, i.e. when they require to be executed previously to the execution of other actions. Each phase lasts 5 years. Previously, a Management Plan of the Green Belt (Pla de Gestió) was elaborated that lists, describes, programs in time and financially quantifies actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the Green Belt. Among these actions are the establishment of a 35km hiking path that surrounds the city of Terrassa with its specific signaling, several spaces with stone benches with orienting and informational panels, and some viewpoints with panoramic panels to identify the elements of the territory. This Management Plan was never officially approved but served as an internal guideline for municipal technicians to undertake the actions. Although the Special Plan was officially approved in 2020, actions to protect, manage and restore the Green Belt of Terrassa initiated in 2012 as a result of the demands of environmental organizations to protect the space.
How did the government support the instrument?:
In order to make the Green Belt formalized into public policy, the City Council Plenary approved the elaboration of two documents in the session of December 18th, 2014: a) a specific modification of the Municipal Urban Planning Plan (Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal, POUM) in the area of the Green Belt of Terrassa, which carried out the modifications of land qualifications, the land regime adjustments provided for in the Special Plan, and the new regulation of uses and constructions. This planning modification became necessary in the process of drawing up the Special Plan, noting that certain prescriptions required an alteration of the POUM and, consequently, the simultaneous processing of its punctual modification. b) The Special Plan of the Green Belt, which specified the conditions of environmental protection, a detailed regulation of the land qualifications established in the punctual modification of the POUM and included also a Catalog of farmhouses and an inventory of buildings on undevelopable land.