The Eco-Efficiency tool is an instrument that after two years of adjustments was institutionalized in 2016 through a municipal ordinance, which aims to achieve a dense, compact and diverse city by allowing the increase of the buildable area above that established in the current Land Use and Occupancy Plan (PUOS), in the lots located within the area of influence of the subway stations (100% increase) and the Integrated Metropolitan Transport System "Bus Rapid Transit" (BRT) (50% increase). In order to make the increase in buildability effective, the projects are rated based on the integration of concepts of efficiency in water consumption (34 points), energy (33 points) and landscape, environmental and technological contributions (33 points). Solutions based on Nature (SbN) are strongly integrated as allies in the achievement of permeable areas, capture and reuse of rainwater through green infrastructure (highest scores), and vegetation coverings on facades for thermal comfort, collaborating with the protection of the environment and the construction of urban resilience for the city of Quito.