Initiating body:
Public sector institution (e.g. school or hospital)
Details about how the instrument was designed:
The Ministry of Housing under Franco's dictatorship expropriated a large rural area of 1,500 hectares in 1971, distributed between seven municipalities of the Vallès Occidental and Oriental (Mollet del Vallès, Parets del Vallès, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Lliçà de Vall, Montcada i Reixac and Polinyà). This action resulted in the building of a city of 130,000 inhabitants in response to the congestion in the city of Barcelona. The area that is currently Gallecs (733ha) was located in the middle of this expropriated territory. As a response, the Commission for the Defense of Gallecs was created in 1997 comprised of community-based organisations like hiking groups, farmers and inhabitants of the affected villages. Since then, Gallecs has been the scene of a long struggle to achieve its preservation. In the early 1980s, there were more than a hundred of environmental "squatters" who lived in houses (masies) of the area and played an important role in defending Gallecs. Despite the social and the City Councils demands to include Gallecs within the Special Plan of Natural Interest (Pla Especial d'Interès Natural, PEIN), it was not included. One of the city councils that led its protection was Mollet del Vallès, which approved an occasional modification of the PGOM and a Special Plan for the protection of Gallecs in 1998. However, the Catalan government denied the modification and the Special Plan. It was not until 20 October 2009 that the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Catalan government) approved the inclusion of Gallecs in the Special Plan of Natural Interest (Decret 156/2009). As a result of this inclusion and due to the requirements of the existing Urban Master Plan of the ACTUR of Santa Maria de Gallecs, the Catalan government started to draft a Special Urban Plan for the Gallecs territorial park in 2009. The final Special Urban Plan is still pending approval.
Targeted actors:
Public sector institution (e.g. school or hospital)
Private: household, real estate developer, business , financial
Citizens or community groups (CBOs), NGOs
Details about the implementation:
The government body of the Gallecs area is the Consortium of the Park of Natural Interest Space of Gallecs (Corsorci del Parc de l’Espai d’Interès Natural de Gallecs), a public institution which is comprised of regional institutions such as the Catalan government through its former Departments of Territory and Sustainability, Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Food and the Environment, and Incasòl, and several municipalities such as Mollet del Vallès, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Parets del Vallès, Lliçà de Vall and Montcada i Reixac. Following their statutes, the governing bodies of the Consortium are its Plenary Council (Consell Plenari); the presidency and the vice-presidencies; the Executive Committee; and the Management (Gerència). The Plenary Council is the superior body of the Consortium and it is composed by representatives of all the public administrations that belong to the Consorci. The president is the Councillor of the Territorial Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the vicepresidencies are assumed by the mayors of specific City Councils. The Executive Committee is the collective ordinary governing body of the Consortium and it is composed by nine members. The Management is appointed by the Plenary Council at the proposal of the Presidency and falls to a person professionally qualified to exercise this position, which is considered as a public senior management personnel. There are other organisations that contribute to the implementation of the instrument such as the Agroecological Association of Gallecs established in 2008, comprised of farmers and families who live and work in the rural area. They contribute by, amongst other activities, develop environmental education activities such as promoting the values of organic agriculture, biodiversity and water management. They further contributed to the elaboration of the Environmental Education Plan together with other social entities and the Consorci of Gallecs.
How did the government support the instrument?:
The Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya) initially did not support the protection of the Gallecs area, rejecting several initiatives led by the City Council of Mollet del Vallès. In 1999, the Councilor of Territorial Policies and Public Works of the Catalan government refused the final approvals for the specific modification of Mollet del Vallès in the area of Gallecs and the Special Protection Plan for the Gallecs area. The Mollet del Vallès City Council brought an administrative appeal against the two agreements. In October 2000, the city councils of Mollet del Vallès and Parets del Vallès set up the Consortium of the Rural Area of Gallecs with the aim of initiating the revitalization of the agriculture, forestry, public use and environmental education of the area. In October 2004, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the municipalities in the area agreed to protect the central area of Gallecs with the initial approval of the ACTUR Urban Master Plan (Pla Director Urbanístic) of Santa Maria de Gallecs. The Urban Master Plan was definitively approved in 2005 with the aim of definitively guaranteeing the protection of the central space of Gallecs. In October 2009, the Catalan government approved the inclusion of Gallecs and started writing the Special Plan.