With its green bonds framework, the City of Gothenburg in Sweden finances sustainability projects that promote a transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient society. Green project categories include: renewable energy; green buildings; energy efficiency; clean transport; waste management; water and wastewater management; sustainable land use and environmental management; and climate adaptation. The majority of the proceeds are expected to go to the green building category. Green bond net proceeds will not be allocated to projects for which the main purpose of the project is fossil energy production, nuclear energy generation, or potentially environmentally harmful resource extraction. Since the first issuance in 2013, the city has issued green bonds nine times for projects including for e.g. a large solar park, a sewage pumping station, a city-wide electric car sharing system, and more. Of these, the only nature-based solution to be funded thus far was the planting of trees. The framework has raised a total of €680,693,500 (SEK 7.060 billion) to support the transition to an environmentally sustainable society. Gothenburg’s green bonds are the first financial product that allow mainstream investors (about 98% of the capital market) access to climate financing at no additional cost.