The Concept Study on Adaption to the Impacts of Climate Change in Berlin (AFOK) is an evidence-based report commissioned by the Berlin Senate to scientifically evaluate possibilities to strengthen adaptation efforts in Berlin, Germany. The aim of the AFOK process was to build an evidence-based framework for a comprehensive adaptation strategy for the city. The AFOK was commissioned in 2014 and published in 2016. The document contains climate scenarios for the city for years 2050 and 2100 and an analysis of vulnerability of different sectors in the city. It also identifies action areas for risk prevention and climate adaptation and proposes an interdisciplinary action plan. The AFOK was written by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW) on behalf of the Berlin Senate in close collaboration with the department responsible for the city's adaptation strategy. To validate the research, stakeholder workshops and interviews were held with experts. Together with Berlin's two adaptation strategies (STEP KLIMA, 2011 and STEP KONKRET, 2016), the AFOK provides a comprehensive and legally binding framework for climate adaptation in Berlin, which is integrated with other municipal strategies, plans and instruments.