AQUAFONDO, the Water Fund for Lima and Callao is a financial mechanism that works as an articulation platform that mobilizes resources to conserve, protect and restore the watersheds of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin rivers, and thus contribute to the continuous provision of quality water for the users of the watersheds and mainly for the population of Lima and Callao. As such, the fund supports public, private and civil society actors to implement measures on water security through nature-based solutions and sustainable watershed management in the three river basins Chillón, Rímac and Lurín. By promoting sustainable investments in ecosystem services the fund supports public policies with a transdisciplinary approach. The projects are financed by voluntary contributions from private companies and international cooperation. AQUAFONDO was created in 2010 with the support of The Nature Conservacy on behalf of the Latin American Alliance of Water Funds and was incorporated as a non-profit civil association in 2016.