The Urban Forest Fund (UFF) is a grant that was launched in May 2017 by the City of Melbourne, Australia to provide financial support to new greening projects on private properties. As such, the Fund aims to build partnerships between government and the private sector to deliver additional greening above and beyond existing Council capital works investment. As 75% of the land within the city of Melbourne municipal area is privately owned or managed, the city needed to collaborate with the private sector to achieve its greening goals and establish incentives to create high quality greening projects on private land. Such greening projects include creating new green spaces, vertical greening or green roofs or planting trees. The grants fund up to 50% of the planned investments for the greening measures and the recipients are required to match the public funding themselves. The eligible projects must be primarily focused on creating new greening, demonstrate community and environmental benefits, be visible from public spaces or regularly accessed by a large number of people and be located on a private property. A series of assessment criteria prioritise projects that deliver a variety of social and environmental benefits. The Urban Forest Fund supports the implementation of Melbourne Urban Forest Strategy.