The Thames Chase Plan aims to reforest and enhance landscapes in the Thames Chase region (i.e. East London and South Essex), directly outlining the connection of community forest initiatives to local statutory plans. The plan began as a public sector initiative to renature landfill sites, but is now overseen by the Thames Chase Trust. The plan first launched in 1990, and the current iteration of the plan runs from 2014 to 2024. The plan is intended to keep the Thames Chase region on track to achieve 30 percent forest cover by 2030 compared to 8 percent in 1990. It has five areas of activities for which it establishes programmes and local area-based projects in the short-term (within three years), medium-term (within six years), and long-term (within 10 years), namely: forestry, landscape, regeneration, access, and people and promotion. The plan relates these activities to its core objectives, such as protecting, improving, and expanding the woodland in Thames Chase, preventing environmental degradation, improving habitat linkages, introducing climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, community engagement, and engaging partners at a national and local level. The objectives originate from and expand on the All London Green Grid policy, which provides a framework to improve London's green infrastructure through identifying areas of interest for new green or blue space. The plan also establishes indicators for each objective to measure their impact.