The city of Bratislava implemented a subsidy scheme in 2016 for the purchase of rainwater management installations, to encourage private organisations, households and homeowners to increase the resilience of the city against increased rainfalls and protect it from pluvial floods and property damage. The goal of the subsidy is to motivative private actors to implement measures to increase water retention with support from the city´s budget. The maximum contribution is €1000 EUR per applicant, or 50% of the total cost of the rainwater measure. The majority of implemented projects and measures funded by the subsidy represent different forms of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) such as water reservoirs, rainwater gardens or small green roofs. The subsidy scheme contributes to the implementation of the city's climate adaptation strategy and is a follow-up activity of the project „Bratislava is preparing for climate change – the pilot application of measures in sustainable rainwater management in an urbanized environment“. Until now, more than 1000 projects have been funded, with interest growing annually.