The Stiemerdeals is a framework to create new alliances between stakeholders who wish to contribute to the transformation of the Stiemer Valley, a valley and creek with severe water issues in Genk, Belgium. The valley is faced with, for example, sewage water overflowing into the canalized creek during heavy rainfalls. Within the framework, new grassroots ideas that contribute to the socio-economic development of the valley can be tested and promoted. Citizens, entrepreneurs and associations are able to suggest initiatives for the valley that create win-wins, i.e. the initiative should benefit the valley as well as the interested party. The city and interested parties discuss how they can collaborate on a shared objective of sustainably developing the valley. Once an initiative is approved, the city of Genk can provide support through printed material, make connections with relevant stakeholders/networks, organize activities and offer a small subsidy to help get a project off the ground. Some examples of Stiemerdeals are Stiemer-honey (beekeeping in the valley), Stiemer-icecream and Stiemer-cookies (made with Stiemer-honey), Stiemer-beer (made with hop from the valley), tours, art projects and nature management (in one case by a vulnerable community).