The City of Chemnitz (Germany) passed a Statute on Parking Spaces in 2022 (Stellplatzgestaltungssatzung), which aims is to promote a greening and landscaping of parking lots across the city and to increase the proportion of water-permeable pavements. The introduction of green elements is intended to enhance the cityscape and thus the living, working and living environment of the residents. Water-permeable pavements also aim to contribute to the reduction of soil sealing and thus, in the sense of the Water Resources Act, to the preservation of the efficiency of the water balance and to the reduction of surface runoff. With this statute, not only the aesthetic but also the climatic, health and ecological conditions in the urban area are to be improved successively and sustainably. The statute is a binding and dedicated law for newly created private and public parking lots. The greening of parking lots aplies for all parking spaces (bicycle and car) bigger than 60 m2 and should entail a plant strip with bushes and trees around or between them. For every additional 60 m2 of parking space one large-crowed tree needs to be planted. The water-permeable pavements are allowed to have a discharge coefficient of maximum 0,7. The parking space itself needs to be inclined in a way that the water is accesibil by the planting strips. Irregularities agianst the statute can be fined.