Details about how the instrument was designed:
The Secretariat of Green, Environment and Sustainable Development (Secretaria do Verde, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável) is the national government office most directly involved in these interventions. This Secretariat was also involved in the development of the Municipal Green Plan, which frames the Campinas Metropolitan Area 'Reconecta' initiative. Other groups involved in the initiative are the Campinas Metropolitan Region Agency, Agemcamp, PCJ Watershed Agency (Agência das Bacias PCJ), José Pedro de Oliveira Foundation, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, São Paulo State Public Ministry - Environmental Defense Group (Gaema) and the São Paulo State Environmental Council. The Municipal Green Plan (Municipal Decree No. 19,167/16) established the Connectivity Line and its Area of Influence as a way to connect green areas of predominantly ecological function, maintaining or restoring landscape connectivity and facilitating the genetic flow between populations.